Expanding ECO RELAY Activities Across China
In China, Panasonic ECO RELAY environmental activities are being conducted by our company employees in various regions. PEDJM in Jiangmen and PCNSGD in Guangdong conducted ECO RELAY activities for the second time this year, while PIDTASZN in Shenzhen conducted ECO RELAY activities for the first time this year. In total, more than 200 employee volunteers participated in cleanup activities at 3 different factories.

■October 22, Panasonic Electronic Devices (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd. (PEDJM)
To raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection, PEDJM worked with the Baishui Youth Volunteer Service Team on volunteer cleanup activities in the Baishui area, one of Jiangmen city’s most scenic spots. The employee volunteer teams aimed to protect scenic spots by picking up trash found on hiking trails.

■October 22, Panasonic Industrial Devices Taiko (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (PIDTASZN)
43 employees of PIDTASZN participated in an eco-walking cleanup activity at Shenzhen Bay Park. By walking in the park while promoting the activities, employees were able to maintain their own health and promote our company's ECO RELAY activities at the same time. They also cleaned up the park by picking up litter from the ground while walking.

■October 28, Panasonic Connected Solutions (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. (PCNSGD)
PCNSGD conducted cleanup activities at Yinpingshan Forest Park to protect the environment. More than 150 employee volunteers took part in the activities, working together with a group of children to collect various kinds of trash in the park, including paper scraps, cigarette butts, and plastic bags.