Panasonic HVACCZ annually joins the world wide event, Let‘s clean up the Czech Republic.
This is a volunteering activity focused on cleaning of environment, especially black dumps and trash in town-parts. There are held two main dates for this cleaning action, in spring and in autumn.
In PHVACCZ, we usually challenge our employees to participate in, especially they can choose the locality for the common cleaning. The event is then planed in cooperation with main coordinator “Uklidmecesko.cz” on their web site (Zapojte se také do úklidové akce! | Ukliďme Česko (uklidmecesko.cz)) and open to public participants too.
Last year, 22.4.2023, we made a group of 34 people, volunteers, who came also with families, to help us to clean a public park in the Pilsen’s centre. This is a frequented area, used for leisure time activities, children’s playgrounds, several sports, cycling or just chill out. Unfortunately, a lot of mess were found there, especially near the river and even used injection syringe at the children playground! We were proud of our employees, who came in their free time, brought their children and picked all the rubbished and clean this place together. They made a good job!
After the work we had a nice picknick in the park, eat snacks, play with kids and chill together.
I’m sure we will organize this event again. This year the date of cleaning day was set up on 20.9.2024, for the occasion of World Cleanup Day 2024. We start to choose the place and prepare a nice surprise for participants, for which they can look forward to.