UD manual / UD package

photo:Child-safe drum-type washing machine

UD used to make even the manual / packaging easy to use and understand.

We implement universal design ideology in order to improve not only the products, but also the packaging and manuals that accompany these products, so that an even wider range of customers can use the products with ease.

Child-safe drum-type washing machine Applying UD to manuals

Users can easily perform the child-lock settings for this washing machine by following the illustrations in the Operating Instructions or accessing an FAQ on the Panasonic website via QR code to view a step-by-step video. The child lock feature provides safety use by preventing small children from climbing into the drum.
* Reference URL: Video on the Panasonic website explaining how to set and release the child lock feature.

Received the 'Consumer-orientated Activity Award' at The Sixth Consumer-orientated Activities Awards

Operation manual for visually impaired We also support the caregivers who use the products together with users

We wanted to create a manual that’ s easy to use even for the not-so-digital savvy carers.
By combining the carers’ manual that includes diagrams and simple wording with the manual for visually impaired people with only normal font size , we’ ve developed a layout that’ s easy to understand for both users at the same time. The positive feedback we’ ve received confirms this new layout enables the users to learn how to operate the device in a shorter time.

* Enables checking of written information included in PCs and smart phones using a function that converts text to speech.

Received the 'Consumer-orientated Activity Award' at The Second Consumer-orientated Activities Awards
Received the 'Electronic Manual Excellence Award' and the 'Planning Award' at the 2015 Japan Manual Contest

LED Light Bulb Packages for Japan Supporting the hard decision of choosing the right light bulb

We believe that ease of choosing is part of the usability of a product: We organized key product information on the packages to simplify the decision making.

Package and communication card which make connection simple. For IoT compatible weight detection plates for refrigerators. UD initiatives in packaging

A tool is sold separately on the assumption of connection to the app. The package is designed so anyone can make the connection easily. When you open the box, you will find a card with instructions on how to connect to the app.