If you don't know the first thing about the SDGs or you know just a little, let's carefully learn about them and think about what we can do together! That's how we will open the door to a new future!
Here, you’ll find the 17 SDGs that everyone’s talking about which were decided on by the United Nations and are goals to be achieved by 2030. Here, you’ll find simple introductions for each goal. Worksheets that can be used in your independent research project can be downloaded here!
Right now, the number of fish in our oceans is decreasing each year. This is happening because humans are overfishing, and their natural environments are being destroyed. Let’s learn more about actions to protect the bountiful creatures of the sea.
Let’s have fun learning about the 17 SDGs! Try clicking on a goal that interests you. Deepen your knowledge of the SDGs with kid-friendly videos and quizzes, research points, and points of reflection. Learn all about the important things we can do to make the future Earth a better place!