Environment : Policy
Contributing to society has been the management philosophy for the Panasonic Group ever since its founding, and we have been taking measures against pollution since the 1970s. We announced the Environmental management basic policy in 1991, and the Environmental Statement in 1993, clarifying our approaches to address global environmental issues as a public entity of society. Since then we have been carrying out initiatives including matters on global warming prevention and resources recycling corporate-wide, aiming to attain a sustainable, safe, and secure society.
After the completion of the Green Plan 2010 which was established in 2001, the Green Plan 2018 was established in 2010 to clarify our targets for fiscal 2019 (from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019) as well as an action plan for all employees in order to achieve the targets. The Green Plan 2018 will continue our initiatives in five areas: CO2 reduction, resources recycling, water, chemical substances, and biodiversity.
In 2013, we introduced a new brand slogan, "A Better Life, A Better World," aiming to realize a better life for all its customers, and is promoting environmental initiatives as an important element in achieving that goal. Based on this, the Green Plan 2018 was revised in 2013, followed by the newly-established Environmental Action Guideline.
Furthermore, in response to rising demand by the society for CO2 reductions following the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, and to the need to make changes to our business structure, including growth in the automotive and B2B businesses, the Plan was revised again in 2016.
Additionally, we formulated the Environment Vision 2050 in 2017 to achieve "a better life" and "a sustainable global environment," aiming for a society with clean energy and a more comfortable lifestyle. Under the Vision, through the development of products, technologies, and solutions relating to energy creation, storage, saving, and management, we will work towards creation and more efficient utilization of energy which exceeds the amount of energy used.
We announced Green Plan 2021 in 2019, following completion of Green Plan 2018, with a focus on key issues for achieving the Panasonic Environment Vision 2050, and we have been working on the issues. On January 2022, we announced Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, our long term environment vision,founded based on Panasonic Group's belief that the top priority action for the entire Group should be focused on global environment issues including climate change, which is a pressing task for the entire world.
The Panasonic GREEN IMPACT is the result of a shift from the Panasonic Environment Vision 2050, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality together with creating impacts from actions (ACT) that reduce CO2 emissions from Panasonic Group as well as from various sectors of the society. To achieve Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, we are working on initiatives under our newly developed GREEN IMPACT PLAN 2024.
Environmental Policy
Environmental Statement
Fully aware that humankind has a special responsibility to respect and preserve the delicate balance of nature, we at Panasonic acknowledge our obligation to maintain and nurture the ecology of this planet. Accordingly, we pledge ourselves to the prudent, sustainable use of the earth's resources and the protection of the natural environment while we strive to fulfill our corporate mission of contributing to enhanced prosperity for all.

Environmental Action Guideline
Toward achieving a sustainable society, we will strive to develop our business through the creation of environmental value. For this purpose, we will address environmental challenges through our business activities and will expand our environmental initiatives based on collaboration with stakeholders.
(1) Initiatives to address environmental challenges
- We will reduce CO2 emissions through production activities and products/services.
- We will work to efficiently use resources by pursuing Recycling-oriented Manufacturing.
- We will conserve water resources through efficient use of water and prevention of contamination.
- We will reduce the impact of chemical substances on human health and the environment.
- We will consider and conserve biodiversity.
(2) Initiatives based on collaboration with stakeholders
- We will provide products and services that create environmental value for customers with our technical strengths.
- We will expand our environmental contributions with our partner companies.
- We will deepen communications with local communities and work as a team to address environmental challenges.

Environmental Action Plan
We strive to grow and develop our business through the creation of environmental value for customers with our technical strengths while each and every employee follows the Environmental Policy to address environmental challenges. Therefore, collaboration with stakeholders including our partners is essential. We will continue to sincerely work on environmental sustainability management through further collaboration with stakeholders.