Creating an Inclusive Work Environment

Photo: Employees engaged in discussions in a tent set up in the company, and chatting in a brightly-lit office Photo: Employees engaged in discussions in a tent set up in the company, and chatting in a brightly-lit office

*Definition of terms used on this page:
- Fiscal year: from April 1 to March 31 of the following year (e.g. Fiscal 2021: April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021)

Group DEI Forum

The Panasonic Group had been holding an internal annual event D&I Forum as an occasion to promote diversity. Since 2021 when we established the Panasonic Group DEI Policy, The Group DEI Forum has been held every year under the slogan, “Dialogue. Discovery. Appreciating Differences.”
In 2023, we deepened our understanding on the importance of respecting individual differences and specific actions through case studies of our workplaces, and shared awareness for the future image we aim for as the Panasonic Group, while also taking a cross-cultural understanding perspective across countries and regions.

Photo: Group DEI Forum 2022 in progress. Two moderators are standing in the studio and five speakers are seated. They are chatting in a friendly atmosphere.

Unconscious Bias Training

Unconscious bias refers to prejudices and stereotypes people have based on past experiences and perceptions that they are not consciously aware of having. We conduct training to learn about and become aware of the existence of these assumptions that everyone makes about others. Through changing one-sided views and perspectives and considering other possibilities, we review communication in the workplace to create a workplace culture where everyone can work comfortably and where every individual's diversity can be fully utilized.
As of April 2023, approximately 110 employees have been trained as internal unconscious bias ambassadors, and training will be continually provided to approximately 60,000 employees in Japan from the fiscal year ending in 2023 onward. In addition, we are also providing training in North America, Europe, Brazil, India, Singapore, and Vietnam, tailored to the circumstances of each region and country.

Image: Internal unconscious bias ambassador training course certificate
Certified internal unconscious bias ambassadors receive a certificate of recognition.

A Better Dialogue

This part focuses on initiatives in the Japan region.

A Better Dialogue

The A Better Dialogue project supports every employee’s personal growth and challenges by enhancing the quality and quantity of dialogue with their respective managers. In addition to one-on-one meetings that bring out the aspirations of each and every employee, this project is comprised of three other components: development of individual career and capabilities, goal setting and management, and a competency review.

Image: A Better Dialogue logo

Workplace revitalization through DEI

Some people want to get involved with DEI, but do not know where to start. For such people, as part of efforts to revitalize the workplace, we have developed karuta cards that allow them to think about DEI and take action through dialogue with their superiors and colleagues. This program is designed to help each individual make DEI their own personal goal by taking action to realize their ideal workplace.

Photo: Dialogue through DEI karuta cards

Various community activities

Within the Panasonic Group, employees with diverse backgrounds, such as those joining the company mid-career, women, LGBTQ+ persons, and people with disabilities, have voluntarily established their own internal communities and engage in a variety of activities, such as holding dialogues and online events.
These efforts lead to the creation of a work environment in which each individual supports one another, knowledge and initiatives are disseminated widely within the Group, and everyone is able to demonstrate their individuality. The Group also recognizes the importance of these activities and encourages them, for example, by awarding the Group-wide CEO Award in fiscal 2023.

Image: Logos for community activities promoted within the company

Dissemination of information within the Group

This part focuses on initiatives in the Japan region.

The latest information on DEI, including examples of internal initiatives, case studies of other companies, and explanations of internal systems that can be utilized, is posted on the intranet site.

Image: Screen capture from “Let’s think about DEI together!” on the intranet

Employee Opinion Survey (EOS)

The Panasonic Group conducts an annual Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) of all global employees (approximately 150,000 respondents in fiscal 2023). The results are fed back to workplaces each year and utilized for human resource and organizational development.
Of the survey items, the most important indicators are the favorable response rates for employee engagement (self-motivated endeavor) and employee enablement (the right person for the right job, comfortable working environment).

Figure: Line graph showing the percentage of positive responses for employee engagement and employee enablement. The positive response rate for employee engagement was 63% in FY 2018, 64% in FY 2019, 63% in FY 2020, and 66% in FY 2021 and FY 2022, and 67% in FY 2023. The positive response rate for employee enablement was 57% in FY 2018, 58% in FY 2019, 59% in FY 2020, 63% in FY 2021, 64% in FY 2022, and 65% in FY 2023. *The positive response rate figures are the average of the responses of all employees who participated in the Employee Opinion Survey during the relevant fiscal year.