Environment : Water Resource Conservation
Ways of Thinking about Water Resource Conservation
It is said that available fresh water is only about 0.01% of the Earth's total water resources. We understand that the water crisis is one of the global risks, considering further increase in water consumption because of economic growth and population increases in near future.
As risks of extreme water shortages is becoming higher as one of social issues, the Panasonic Group has been working to conserve water resources both in its products and production activities, in order to fulfill its social responsibility and to reduce risks in the management. Our Environmental Policy sets that we make efforts to conserve water resources by using water efficiently and preventing water pollution. We are working hard to reduce water usage in our business activities and through our products and services by setting water resource conservation in Our GREEN IMPACT PLAN 2024 as one of the continuing efforts. As for risk management, we had conducted water conservation activities, aiming to complete our water risk assessment at all our production sites by fiscal 2019, and have completed 100% of the assessments.
Specifically, we evaluated the scale of water risk at all regions where our production sites are located, in order to identify and mitigate effects of water on our business activities. In the evaluation, we utilized evaluation tools such as Aqueduct supplied by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Water Risk Filter supplied by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), which can evaluate risks in various aspects; not only from physical risks such as water shortages, but also from the risks in water-related regulations as well as reputation risks in each region. We also made use of public databases available from respective national governments.
In areas with higher water risks, we collected information through public local information as well as through hearings with relevant organizations, etc. By conducting detailed analyses and close examination of the local information and the site data including water use volumes, we, more specifically, identified the effects on our business activities. We steadily proceeded processes of the water risk assessments, and in fiscal 2018, completed water risk assessments at all of our production sites of the Panasonic Group and confirmed that none of our production sites is under water stress. At present, no water risks that could affect the Panasonic Group's business activities have been reported. Yet, we will continue to make efforts to reduce water consumption in our production activities in the future under the water risk assessment that had been implemented.
For promoting these activities, the Panasonic Group have established a structure for the promotion of environmental management, including water management. We are now conducting environmental activities using PDCA cycle under the structure, and are upgrading the environmental management level. In addition, we have organized an Environmental Risk Management Structure to continuously reduce environmental risks; under the structure, we (1) identify environmental risks and promote risk management in the whole Panasonic Group every fiscal year and (2) promptly respond to the risk when it arises. Through these activities, we will continue to manage our environmental risks.
Moreover, the Panasonic Group has participated in the Water Project, a public-private partnership project aimed at boosting awareness of water conservation, which was launched under the initiative of Japan's Ministry of the Environment in 2014. Objectives of the project are to maintain a sound water cycle and promote its recovery. The project distributes water-related activities conducted by corporations, and water-related information including importance of water. The Panasonic Group will work in cooperation with the Japanese government and other companies to conserve water resources.
Water Resource Conservation through Products
By thoroughly analyzing the use of water through our products, we have developed functionalities that allow a considerable amount of water conservation by utilizing water at a maximum level through improvement of water flow control and cyclic use. We continue to develop products with low water usage.
Dishwasher Dryer (Open Front Type)
The NP-60EF1W front-open dishwasher has a large capacity that can hold 12 servings, and can wash dishes for one day at a time. This reduces the burden of household chores and helps reduce the amount of water used during dishwashing. The amount of water used is approximately 1/9 of that used by hand washing (approximately 15.1 liters saves approximately 59 2 liter PET bottles compared to approximately 133.6 liters by hand washing), which contributes to water conservation during dishwashing.
In addition, this dishwasher has a high washing power with high-temperature and high-pressure water, so there is no need to pre-wash dishes before setting them. In addition, the newly constructed "Residue Filter" employs an "automatic washing system" (patent pending) that washes the filter at each step during washing using our proprietary technology. This reduces the frequency of maintenance after operation.

LX series of diagonal drum washer-dryers
Compared with vertical washing machines, the LX series of diagonal drum washer-dryers can save about 30% of the electricity used during washing and about 67 L of water used, contributing to the conservation of water resources. In addition, the triple automatic loading of liquid detergents and fabric softeners prevents too much detergent from being added, thereby reducing environmental impact. Extra large refills can also reduce plastic use in detergent containers by about 88%.

Rhythm e Shower Plus
By changing the flow rate and temperature of the shower at a constant rhythm, we achieved energy savings of up to 20% and water savings of up to 10%.
A single sensor and flow sensor detect the use of the shower and a flow control valve and control technology allow the shower flow to fluctuate at high speed.
*Rated on our company's own terms. The numbers are strictly nominal and vary depending on usage.
*According to JIS C 9220 load condition of household heat pump water heater at our company test facility. Summer hot water heating mode Heating conditions: Outside air temperature (dry-bulb temperature/wet-bulb temperature) 25 degrees C/21 degrees C Water temperature 24 degrees C Hot water set temperature 40 degrees C Direct hot water supply and shower use time 5 minutes/time (when using bathroom shower only). Total shower flow: Rhythm e Shower Plus ON (setting: strong) 45 L/OFF 50 L JP, J, W, FP, F Series Energy saving in full auto: Rhythm e Shower Plus ON (setting: strong) 2.6 MJ/OFF shower heat 3.3 MJ Water saving condition: Rhythm e Shower Plus ON (setting: strong) 8~10 L/min Shower flow in OFF 10 L/min

Flat range hood with cleaning function
The range hood is easy to get greasy stains and uses about 28 liters of water per cleaning.
Equipped with ECONAVI, the DW series flat range hood with washing function automatically cleans greasy dirt collected by the fan filter by simply filling hot water in the hot water tray, setting it in the main body and pressing the "wash" button. Cleaning every 2 months or so allows cleaning without removing the fan filter for 10 years. About 99% less water than conventional care *1
The DE series, which went on sale in September 2020, not only prevents oil from sticking to the blades because of its unique coating that repels oil from sticking to the blades, but also reduces blade cleaning to about once every 3 years *2 thanks to the "oil tornado function" that spins the fan at high speed to release oil stains on the blades by centrifugal force before the end of operation.
*1 The amount of water used is based on the company's own standards. Comparison of water volume between monthly (twice every two months) conventional care and bimonthly automatic cleaning
*2 Comparison of oil collection efficiency (range hood fan) test of filters of Better Living Quality Housing Parts Evaluation Criteria Ventilation Unit (kitchen fan)

Fully automatic cleaning toilet "Arauno"
The Arauno fully automatic cleaning toilet uses 1/3 *3 less water per year than conventional toilets due to its unique water-saving technology, the Turn Trap System, which uses water efficiently. The Arauno uses a new organic glass material that is resistant to stains, and the Triple Stain Guard, which reduces the need for frequent cleaning, also saves water when cleaning.
Arauno is expanding opportunities to conserve water in areas other than residential areas by strengthening its expansion to stores and hotels that consider the coordination of toilet spaces.
*3 Comparison with our siphon jet toilet (CH43) around 1990

Initiatives for Water Resource Conservation through Production Activities
By collecting and reusing wastewater from our manufacturing processes and air conditioning systems, the Panasonic Group has been reducing the amount of makeup water used and wastewater effluent. Through these activities, we reduce environmental loads on water resources due to the intake and effluent of water in production activities.
As many regions around the world are threatened by water shortages, the Panasonic Group has been conducting production activities, balancing water resource conservation in focused regions.
The amount of water used at factories in fiscal 2024 resulted in 13.87 million m3, which is reduced by 9.2% versus the fiscal 2023. The water used at our factories per basic unit of production*4 got better year-on-year thanks to positive effects of the structural reform.
Our use of recycled water*5 in fiscal 2024 was 4.73 million m3, accounting for 34.1% of the total amount of water used. The amount of discharged water in fiscal 2022, 2023, and 2024 resulted in 13.39 million m3, 11.78 million m3, 10.60 million m3, respectively.
*4 Water used at factories per basic unit of production = Water used at factories / Production volume.
*5 The calculation excludes the water circulating for a single purpose (e.g., water in a cooling tower).
Water Consumption in Production Activities and Water Consumption Per Basic Unit

Note: Then-SANYO Electric and Panasonic Liquid Crystal Display not included in fiscal 2010.
FY2024 Breakdown of Water Consumption (by region)
(10 thousand m3)

Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. (52 sites), uses the highest amount of water in all operating companies in the Panasonic Group. The company managed to achieve a year-on-year decrease of 16.4% in water consumption (5.41 million m3) in fiscal 2024, thanks to their focused efforts and business restructuring. The achievement rate for reducing the amount of water used per basic unit by using recycled water in factories, etc., was 100%.
Against the backdrop of the increasing occurrence of natural disasters in recent years, such as earthquake and flood disasters, Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. Saga site achieved a reduction of environmental risk and environmental impact, considering a possible chemical leakage from the outdoor storage site in the company premises. This was accomplished by replacing their water purification system, which used a chemicalbased regeneration method for the ionexchange resins, to a system that uses an electrical regeneration method.
At the same time, the company installed a wastewater collection system that separates the wastewater generated by the water purification into concentrated wastewater and collection water. The company is now able to reduce the water consumption for the entire factory by 61.8 thousand m3 per year by reusing the collection water.
Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. has been implementing the following initiatives for water resource conservation.
Panasonic Automotive Systems (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. was able to save approximately 70 liters of water per month by reusing the wastewater generated during product polishing.
In the past, tap water was used to water the green spaces within the facility, but the use of a rainwater collection system made it possible to use rainwater instead and the water consumption was successfully reduced by about 200m3 per year.
The following operating companies have been working on initiatives with water consumption targets established.
Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd.: (Target) 1.76 (Actual) 1.48 million m3
Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.: (Target) 0.204 (Actual) 0.201 million m3
Panasonic Group will continue our efforts to conserve water resources.