Panasonic Group's DEI in Data

Photo: Document with various types of graphs and a ballpoint pen

In promoting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), we disclose data on human resources, education and training, and diversity and equal opportunity, issues which the Panasonic Group is focusing on.

*Definition of terms used on this page:

  • Japan region: Information pertaining to the period until March 2022, prior to the transition to an operating company system, refers to Panasonic Corporation and some of its affiliates in the Japan region. Information pertaining to April 2022 and beyond refers to Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd., and the seven operating companies (Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd., Panasonic Entertainment & Communication Co., Ltd., Panasonic Housing Solutions Co., Ltd., Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd., Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd., and Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd.).
  • The term "employees" is used here to refer to both employees with no fixed term of employment and fixed-term employees.
  • Figures for Japan region: Unless otherwise indicated, these figures refer to employees with no fixed term of employment.

Human Resources

Pictogram: Several employees in a row. Figure: Number of global employees: 228,420. As of March 31, 2024

Number of Employees

By region (global)

Figure: Pie chart showing the breakdown of the number of employees by region globally. Japan is 38%, China & Northeast Asia 17%, Southeast Asia & Oceania 16%, North America 15%, Europe & CIS 8%, India, South Asia, Middle East & Africa 5%, and Latin America 1%. As of March 31, 2024

By job category (global)

Figure: Pie chart showing the breakdown of the number of global employees by job category. Indirect is 60%, and direct manufacturing is 40%. As of March 31, 2024

By gender (Japan region)

Figure: Pie chart showing the breakdown of the number of employees by gender in the Japan region. Male is 79.2%, and female is 20.8%. As of April 1, 2024

By employment type (Japan region)

Figure: Pie chart showing the breakdown of the number of employees by employment type in the Japan region. Employees with no fixed term of employment accounted for 91%, while fixed-term employees accounted for 9%. As of April 1, 2024

By age group (Japan region)

Figure: Pie chart showing the breakdown of the number of employees by age group in the Japan region. 14% of the employees are 29 years old or younger, 16% are between 30 and 39 years old, 21% are between 40 and 49 years old, 41% are between 50 and 59 years old, and 9% are 60 years old or over. As of April 1, 2024

Number of persons recruited (Japan region)

Figure: Number of persons recruited in the Japan region: 3,537. This includes the following attributes: 2,755 men, 782 women, 110 non-Japanese citizens, 67 people with disabilities, and 2,182 mid-career hires. Figures are for FY2024.

Average years of continuous service (Japan region)

Figure: Bar graph showing average years of service by gender in the Japan region. Males average 20.7 years, and females average 19.4 years. As of April 1, 2024

Turnover rate (Japan region)

Figure: Turnover rate in the Japan region. The overall turnover rate is 3.4%, while the turnover rate excluding mandatory retirement is 1.5%. The turnover rate is calculated by dividing the number of those leaving the Group per year by the annual average number of employees. Figures are for FY2024.

Education and Training

One-on-one meetings (Japan region)

Pictogram: Two employees engaged in dialogue. Figure: The implementation rate of one-on-one meetings in the Japan region is 83%. The satisfaction rate is 84%. Figures are for FY2024.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative
  • We support the growth and challenges of each employee by enhancing the quality and quantity of dialogue between the individual and their supervisors.
  • We are continuing efforts to improve the implementation and satisfaction rates.

Diversity and Equal Opportunity

Employee Opinion Survey (global)

Respondents: 157,000 Group employees (FY2024)

Pictogram: Four employees holding hands in a circle. Figure: Line graph showing the percentage of favorable responses for employee engagement and employee enablement. The favorable response rate for employee engagement was 63% in FY2018, 64% in FY2019, 63% in FY2020, and 66% in FY2021 and FY2022, 67% in FY2023, and 68% in FY2024. The favorable response rate for employee enablement was 57% in FY2018, 58% in FY2019, 59% in FY2020, 63% in FY2021, 64% in FY2022, 65% in FY2023, and 66% in FY2024. *The favorable response rate figures are the average of the responses of all employees who participated in the Employee Opinion Survey during the relevant fiscal year.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative

Females in managerial positions (Japan region)

Pictogram: A female employee standing at a podium. Figure: Graph of changes in females in managerial positions in the Japan region. The number of females in managerial positions was 464 in FY2018, 493 in FY2019, 534 in FY2020, 573 in FY2021, 607 in FY2022, 664 in FY2023, 799 in FY2024, and 954 in FY2025. The percentage of females in managerial positions was 3.4% in FY2018, 3.6% in FY2019, 4.1% in FY2020, 4.5% in FY2021, 4.8% in FY2022, 5.4% in FY2023, 6.1% in FY2024, and 7.0% in FY2025.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative

Gender gap in compensation (Japan region)

Pictogram: A balance. Figure: A comparison of overall compensation between men and women in the Japan region. The ratio of women’s to men’s compensation in managerial positions was 93:100 in FY2023 and 96:100 in FY2024, representing a three-point increase. The ratio of women’s to men’s compensation for all employees was 73:100 in FY2023 and 75:100 in FY2024, representing a two-point increase. Calculated based on salaries and bonuses.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative
  • Reasons for the gender gap in compensation are not considered to stem from compensation structures or systems, but rather the influence of factors such as disparities in the grade system. As such, we will work to ensure diversity at management level that is not prescribed by characteristics such as gender, etc.
  • In the compensation system, there is no disparity based on gender, gender identity, or other personal attributes.

Employment of people with disabilities (Japan region)

Pictogram: An employee in a wheelchair. Figure: Line graph showing the employment rate of people with disabilities in the Japan region, which was 2.16% in FY2015, 2.15% in FY2016, 2.18% in FY2017, 2.15% in FY2018 and FY2019, 2.20% in FY2020, 2.33% in FY2021, 2.40% in FY2022, 2.41% in FY2023, 2.45% in FY2024, and 2.56% in FY2025.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative
  • We have achieved an employment rate that exceeds the legally required employment rate of people with disabilities.
  • We continue to promote the creation of workplaces where people with disabilities can take on challenges and play active roles, while improving the working environment.

Internal open recruitment (Japan region)

Pictogram: An employee applying for an internal transfer. Figure: Bar graph showing the number of employees who transferred through internal open recruitment systems. The number of employees transferred via the Groupwide internal open recruitment system was 302 in FY2020, 252 in FY2021, 81 in FY2022, 466 in FY2023, and 535 in FY2024. The number of employees transferred through other internal open recruitment systems specific to each operating company was 804 in FY2023 and 758 in FY2024. Breakdown of employees transferred via the Groupwide internal open recruitment system in FY2024: 403 employees transferred between companies within the Group (relocation), and 132 employees transferred within their own company. Breakdown of employees transferred via the internal open recruitment systems of operating companies in FY2024: 600 in Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd. and 151 in Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative

Number of days and rate of annual paid leave taken (Japan region)

Pictogram: A calendar and check box showing the number of paid leave used. Figure: Number of days of annual paid leave taken in the Japan region and the rate at which they are taken. Bar graph showing the average number of days taken: 17.7 days in FY2018, 18.1 days in FY2019, 18.6 days in FY2020, 17.6 days in FY2021, 17.2 days in FY2022, 19.6 days in FY2023, and 17.6 days in FY2024. Line graph showing the average take-up rate: 70.8% in FY2018, 72.6% in FY2019, 74.3% in FY2020, 70.4% in FY2021, 68.9% in FY2022, 78.4% in FY2023, and 70.4% in FY2024. Number of days of annual paid leave granted: 25 days per year

Childcare leave (Japan region)

Pictogram: An employee pushing a stroller. Figure: Percentage of employees taking childcare leave in the Japan region was 64.8% for males and 100% for females in FY2023, and 76.0% for males and 103.7% for females in FY2024. The percentage is calculated by dividing the total number of employees who took childcare leave or used leave systems for caring for preschool children during the relevant fiscal year by the number of employees who, or whose spouses, gave birth in the same fiscal year. The percentage can exceed 100% if a parent starts taking childcare leave in the relevant fiscal year for a child born in the previous fiscal year.
Figure: The average number of days of childcare leave taken by employees in the Japan region was 21.5 days for males and 376.4 days for females in FY2023, and 36.2 days for males and 305.8 days for females in FY2024.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative
  • Various systems are in place to help employees balance career development with life events such as childbirth and childcare.
  • We are working to raise awareness within the company so that employees can use these systems when necessary.

Work styles (Japan region)

Pictogram: An employee at work watching the clock. Figure: Work styles in the Japan region. As of April 2024, there were 866 employees who were eligible for shorter working hours (The internal system is called the Work and Life Support Work System). The utilization rate was 1.4%. There were 51,146 employees working flexibly. The utilization rate was 80.9%. Flexible work refers to employees who have adopted a flexible work system. 9,171 employees were using the remote work system. This refers to employees who work remotely for at least half of the days in a month. The utilization rate was 14.5%.

Other workstyle-related systems (Japan region)

Pictogram: A house, a person, and an office building in a row. Figure: Number of employees in the Japan region using other workstyle-related systems in FY2024: 153 employees used the selective four-day workweek system (the number of employees who used it at least once during the fiscal year). 259 employees used the remote work system out of commuting range. 258 employees were engaged in a side job outside the Group. 46 employees were engaged in multiple internal roles.
Illustration: Key points of this initiative
  • We promote diverse work styles from the perspective of achieving a healthy work-life balance.
  • We are creating an environment where diverse talents can reach their full potential.