Panasonic Group's DEI in Data
In promoting Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI), we disclose data on human resources, education and training, and diversity and equal opportunity, issues which the Panasonic Group is focusing on.
*Definition of terms used on this page:
- Japan region: Information pertaining to the period until March 2022, prior to the transition to an operating company system, refers to Panasonic Corporation and some of its affiliates in the Japan region. Information pertaining to April 2022 and beyond refers to Panasonic Holdings Corporation, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd., and the seven operating companies (Panasonic Corporation, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd., Panasonic Entertainment & Communication Co., Ltd., Panasonic Housing Solutions Co., Ltd., Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd., Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd., and Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd.).
- The term "employees" is used here to refer to both employees with no fixed term of employment and fixed-term employees.
- Figures for Japan region: Unless otherwise indicated, these figures refer to employees with no fixed term of employment.
Human Resources

Number of Employees
By region (global)

By job category (global)

By gender (Japan region)

By employment type (Japan region)

By age group (Japan region)

Number of persons recruited (Japan region)

Average years of continuous service (Japan region)

Turnover rate (Japan region)

Education and Training
One-on-one meetings (Japan region)

- We support the growth and challenges of each employee by enhancing the quality and quantity of dialogue between the individual and their supervisors.
- We are continuing efforts to improve the implementation and satisfaction rates.
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Employee Opinion Survey (global)
Respondents: 157,000 Group employees (FY2024)

Females in managerial positions (Japan region)

Gender gap in compensation (Japan region)

- Reasons for the gender gap in compensation are not considered to stem from compensation structures or systems, but rather the influence of factors such as disparities in the grade system. As such, we will work to ensure diversity at management level that is not prescribed by characteristics such as gender, etc.
- In the compensation system, there is no disparity based on gender, gender identity, or other personal attributes.
Employment of people with disabilities (Japan region)

- We have achieved an employment rate that exceeds the legally required employment rate of people with disabilities.
- We continue to promote the creation of workplaces where people with disabilities can take on challenges and play active roles, while improving the working environment.
Internal open recruitment (Japan region)

Number of days and rate of annual paid leave taken (Japan region)

Childcare leave (Japan region)

- Various systems are in place to help employees balance career development with life events such as childbirth and childcare.
- We are working to raise awareness within the company so that employees can use these systems when necessary.
Work styles (Japan region)

Other workstyle-related systems (Japan region)

- We promote diverse work styles from the perspective of achieving a healthy work-life balance.
- We are creating an environment where diverse talents can reach their full potential.
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