Promoting Group-wide Environmental Sustainability Management Centering on PDCA
Striving for the creation of a sustainable society, we are following our initiative under the Group Chief Technology Officer (CTO) (Tatsuo Ogawa Executive Officer, as of April 2022) and working to fulfill our corporate social responsibility through eco-conscious business activities as well as resolve environmental issues such as climate change, resources, water, etc. through our products and services. The Panasonic Group formulates its annual environmental management policy in accordance with the Group's management policy, "Panasonic GREEN IMPACT"—our long-term environmental vision announced in fiscal 2023, our Environmental Action Guidelines and the GREEN IMPACT PLAN 2024—our environmental action plan. Our environmental policy is shared annually across the entire organization through the policy presentation led by the Group CTO, who is delegated authority by the Group CEO. Operating companies and business divisions establish their own environmental policies and targets based on the Group management policy and "Panasonic GREEN IMPACT", and plan and promote their activities accordingly. The progress and results of activities for the key environmental targets we pledged to society to achieve under the Environmental Action Plan, GREEN PLAN 2024 are examined and determined on the directions, issues, and particularly key measures in the Group Management Meeting where top management such as the Group CEO and presidents of the operating companies participate. Matters of special importance are deliberated on by the Board of Directors Meeting.
Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, our Group's long-term environmental vision as stated above, was put through this process and was released in April 2022. In promoting our environmental sustainability management activities in Panasonic Group, we have built a structure to promote implementation of such activities collaborating other departments in the entire Group through determination by the Sustainability Management Committee (established in December 2021) led by the Group CEO. For activities organized by theme, we have set up committees specifically for dissemination of our environmental policy and targets to all members of the Group without fail, deliberation on how to respond to issues, and chemical substances management used in our products. We started our Sustainable Management Promotion Consortium activities in September 2020 as opportunities for volunteers to resolve sustainability issues and integrating business growth, which are underway, building consultative reporting ties with the Sustainability Management Committee as mentioned above. (approx. 960 participants)
In principle, results of activities relevant to environmental targets are gathered and assessed on a monthly basis as environmental performance data, to identify the achievements, and additional measures are taken as needed. Feedback of annual performance data is given internally and disclosed externally after review, onsite audits, and independent assurance by a third-party. Moreover, reviews and feedback from stakeholders are utilized in subsequent measures to ensure further continuous improvement.
Promotion System of Environmental Sustainability Management in Fiscal 2025