Dialogue. Discovery. Appreciating Differences. DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION – DEI

The term "each person" here refers to each and every one of our employees, a diverse group of individuals who are not limited by gender, gender identity, or any other attribute. The Panasonic Group promotes a variety of initiatives so that each of our employees can continue to demonstrate their individuality and take on new challenges. To find out more, please see Support for Every Individual: Diverse Work Styles and Work-Life Balance.

What's New

October 9, 2024

October 9, 2024

What is Our Vision for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)?

Every individual who accepts challenges aspires to live up to the following:

  • Diversity: Embracing and respecting the individuality of each person who accepts challenges and finding value in individual differences
  • Equity: Seeking fairness in providing opportunities for every individual
  • Inclusion: The potential for each person who accepts challenges to exercise their characteristics as parts of the organization.

The Panasonic Group DEI policy aims to describe and communicate to all the stakeholders our definition, mission and vision of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for the entire Panasonic Group.
In order to put our DEI policy into practice in light of the applicable laws and regulations in their respective countries and regions, each company of the Group will promote specific activities.

DEI and Employees’ Well-being

Photo: Employees working in various workplaces, such as offices and factories

The Panasonic Group aims to create “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind.” To achieve this, we must strengthen the competitiveness of our individual businesses. The means to achieve this is our autonomous responsible management system, which relies on the entrepreneurship of each and every employee and participative management through collective wisdom.
In this context, we hope to create a culture in which each and every employee in the Panasonic Group resolutely takes on challenges with a strong sense of autonomous responsibility, and a culture of open discussion within which it is normal for all employees to share their wisdom with each other.
The prerequisite for both is employees’ well-being.

In order for our employees with diverse individualities to actively take on challenges and thrive in everything they do, we are committed to creating an environment and framework where each and every employee can always maintain a state of well-being. By this, we mean that they are both mentally and physically healthy and feel happy and fulfilled in their work as a result of having opportunities for taking on new challenges.

Three pillars supporting employees’ well-being

We are promoting employees’ well-being based on the three pillars of “Work in a safe, secure, and healthy state,” “Work with a sense of fulfillment,” and “Work together by giving full play to all individuality.”

Greater options for adopting different work styles

We are broadening the range of options in terms of working hours and locations with the aim of maximizing results by improving productivity from an organizational perspective and achieving well-being from an individual perspective.

Top Management Commitment

Mission and Vision of DEI

Through our DEI initiatives, we declare that we will contribute to developing an ideal society, with both material affluence and mental happiness, and to the happiness of as many people as possible.

Commitment of the CEOs of Each Operating Company

In order to achieve management that enables each employee to reach their full potential, our operating company CEOs are committed to promoting DEI by incorporating it into business strategies. As part of this effort, we established the Group DEI Promotion Council to engage in ongoing dialogue on DEI issues that must be addressed by management, as well as on initiatives common to the Panasonic Group.

Employee Opinion Survey

The Employee Opinion Survey (EOS) is an annual survey of all global employees, with the most important indicators being the positive response rate for employee engagement (self-motivated endeavor) and employee enablement (the right person for the right job, comfortable working environment).

Initiatives Endorsed by the Panasonic Group

We have endorsed a number of outside initiatives, such as EqualityActJapan, Tokyo Rainbow Pride, the Recommendations of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ), and 30% Club Japan.

Creating an Inclusive Work Environment

Group DEI Forum

The Group DEI Forum is an event held with the aim of providing an opportunity for each and every one of us to increase our understanding of and identification with DEI, and to take action under the slogan, “Dialogue. Discovery. Appreciating Differences.”
In 2023, we deepened our understanding on the importance of respecting individual differences and specific actions through case studies of our workplaces, and explored the future image we aim for as the Panasonic Group, while also taking a cross-cultural understanding perspective across countries and regions.

Unconscious Bias Training

Everyone has prejudices and stereotypes that they are not consciously aware of. By learning about their existence, we create a workplace culture where everyone can work comfortably and where every individual's diversity can be fully utilized.

A Better Dialogue and Various Community Activities

Through A Better Dialogue and workplace revitalization through DEI programs, employees engage in dialogue with their superiors and colleagues to make DEI their own personal goal. Also, voluntary community activities are taking place throughout the company, covering a variety of themes.

Employee Opinion Survey

We conduct an annual Employee Opinion Survey of all group employees. The results are fed back to workplaces each year and utilized for human resource and organizational development.

Support for Every Individual

Diverse Work Styles and Work-Life Balance

Support for every person means helping each and every individual, with their diverse individualities, to face their challenges. We are working to help people achieve a healthy work-life balance by creating an environment and structure that allows them to choose diverse work styles to suit various scenarios in their lives.

People with Disabilities

Panasonic supports all employees, whether they have a disability or not, enabling them to express their individuality, take on new challenges, and thrive.

Employing Workers Post Retirement

We are entering an era in which people can expect to live up to 100 years and beyond. As such, the Panasonic Group is promoting measures to encourage each employee to map out their own career from an early stage, and to meet the diverse employment needs of older workers.


As part of our diversity efforts to respect and embrace individuality, we are working to deepen understanding of LGBTQ+ persons.

Gender Equity

In the Panasonic Group’s remuneration system, there is no inequalities based on gender, gender identity, or other personal attributes. However, particularly in Japan, we are aware that there is a need to promote a greater number of women to senior management and decision-making positions, and the Panasonic Group is striving to ensure gender diversity.

Global Initiatives

Panasonic Group is globally engaged in a wide variety of activities to promote DEI according to regional characteristics so that diverse human resources can maximize their individual strengths.

For General Customers

The Panasonic Group's Universal Design Initiatives

To achieve a society where all can live together, where all can live fulfilling lives.
Disabilities, age, nationality, gender, values, lifestyles, work styles, family composition...
No two people are alike, which is what makes us all so special. With this recognition, the Panasonic Group aims to help create a society where everyone can shine in their own way by providing products and services that care for as many people as possible.

For Investors

Investor Relations

Here you can find information for Panasonic's investors. This includes information for individual investors, our management policies, financial information, stock information, and IR materials.

Sustainability Data Book

Panasonic publishes the Sustainability Data Book to introduce its initiatives toward society and the environment, as well as human resource development and the utilization of diverse human resources.

For Prospective Employees

Support for New Employees

From the outset, we provide new employees with learning opportunities and support programs related to DEI from various aspects, including onboarding, career development, evaluation, promotion, transfers, secondments, and other aspects.


Panasonic has an unyielding commitment to society. We offer gratifying careers to self-motivated and talented individuals with globally oriented backgrounds, and are recruiting the best and brightest candidates to join our worldwide team.