Panasonic Group Corporate Citizenship Activities
At the Panasonic Group,
each and every one of our employees is committed to social contribution,
directly dealing with social issues
in ways that are different from our manufacturing and other core businesses.
These "activities as corporate citizens," which have continued for more than 50 years,
have been passed on from person to person within the Panasonic Group,
keeping up to date activity themes according to the times.
As members of society, we work alongside people helping make their lives a little richer and more peaceful.
In doing this, we help create a brighter future for the world in the best ways that we can.
As we work toward achieving "Sustainable and inclusive society"
where everyone can live a vibrant life more freely, we carry out a range of
"corporate citizenship activities" as we focus on our three priority
themes of "Ending Poverty," "Environmental Activities,"
and "Human Development (Learning Support)."
A program that enhances creativity and communication skills, and fosters teamwork through video production

Panasonic's local companies in Asia provide scholarships to students in those countries/regions in order to go on to university.

Activities with this badge are designated for the general public to also participate in. Please see each activity page for details.

- 2025-03-07Panasonic in Numbers: Solar Lantern Donation in Kenya
- 2024-12-23【Global News】#PanasonicForTheWorld Campaign Creating Awareness Around Environment Social Governance (ESG) Efforts to Encourage a Sustainable Tomorrow
- 2024-11-26Panasonic HD Collaborates with JICA to Donate Solar Lanterns to Areas Without Electricity in Kenya—Supporting the Education, Health and Income Improvement Opportunities of Women and Girls
- 2024-10-30Kid Witness News (KWN) Global Summit 2024—Announcement of Award Results
- 2024-10-29Panasonic HD to Provide a Mobile Robot Vending Service, PIMTO, That Assists Supported Employment
There are no announcements at this time.
Panasonic Group Corporate Citizenship Activities