Basic Approach to Sustainability
Panasonic Group’s Sustainability Management
The Panasonic Group’s mission is to achieve “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind.” This is grounded in the dream of achieving prosperity both in matter and mind, which is the ideal state of society that our founder Konosuke Matsushita envisioned and pursued throughout his life. In 1932, the founder set forth a 250-year plan, consisting of ten successive phases of 25 years, to reach the ideal society he envisioned. Since then, we have been fulfilling this lofty mission by addressing various social issues through our business activities for the well-being of people all over the world.
However, today’s society falls short of the ideal state of our founder’s aspirations. Although people in developed nations now live a life full of material goods, many emerging issues are threatening social sustainability. These include environmental destruction and depletion of natural resources, problems that are rapidly worsening year by year, as well as population trends such as global-scale population growth and, at the same time, the aging populations with low birthrates in developed nations. These issues will only become more severe for the next generations.
We in the Panasonic Group will continue to squarely address these social issues, thus making meaningful contributions toward a sustainable society. Through these efforts, we are striving to enhance our corporate value, and eventually we will achieve our goal to realize “an ideal society with affluence both in matter and mind.” This is how we at Panasonic promote sustainability management, by always putting into practice our Basic Business Philosophy.
Through our sustainability management process, we identify materialities, or important opportunities and risks, related to sustainability from the two perspectives of “financial impact on the Group” and “impact on society.” The entire Panasonic Group focuses on contributing to society by addressing environmental issues such as global warming and resource depletion, as well as by improving all people’s well-being through enhancing their lifelong health, safety, and comfort.
In the environmental area, we have been pursuing Groupwide efforts to maximize our contribution to reducing CO2 emissions and to promote resources recycling under Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, our long-term environmental vision. Regarding the lifestyle solution area, we have demonstrated the Group’s collective strength in our aim to become a “lifestyle solution provider” that offers optimal value to individual customers by leveraging the entire Group’s diverse customer contacts and our cutting-edge digital and AI technologies.
The ideal society we envision cannot be achieved through our efforts alone. It can be achieved only through collaboration with our stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders, employees, and communities. We believe this is the only way to achieve growth and development and enhance our corporate value in a sustainable way. As a public entity of society, the Panasonic Group will continue to help all of its stakeholders to “live their best,” and we will walk alongside them toward the ideal society we pursue.
Yuki Kusumi
Group CEO