Germany - Immanuel-Kant-School Bremerhaven

Names of victims of the Holocaust are engraved onto street "stumbling block" plates... Through powerful imagery, this documentary tells us that we should never forget such history.

Czech Republic - Primary School of Josef Bublik, Banov

In the wake of a pool accident, a boy with disabilities - Kamil - saves another boy. What do they learn from each other after that?

Japan - Nakoso 1st Junior High School

During World War II, Japan used "balloon bombs" in attacks on America. The students in this documentary interview those with knowledge of the bombs in order to spread awareness and a message of peace.

New Zealand - Moun Aspiring College

Sixteen year old Summer was raised by foster parents. She goes on a journey to find out who she is and meet her real mother.

Panama - Victoria D´Spinay Elementary School

This video sends kids the hopeful message that even though life has its difficulties, with effort dreams can come true. What are their future dreams?

The K-Factor Award is awarded to videos with creative use of technology and how much the KWN motto 'The World Through Their Eyes' is reflected.

Thailand - Montfort College School

A young boy has been brought up in a village where pigs are raised. By collaborating with a local university, the village solves the problem of bad smells whilst also helping the village to develop.

U.S.A. - Lincoln Park Academy

Hunger is an international problem. This documentary reports on the hunger situation in many countries including developed countries, and suggests ways in which we can help.

Premier Judges

KWN Global Contest Premier Judges for 2014
Junichi Nakata

Junichi Nakata


Director, Corporate Advertising Center

Advertising & Sponsorship Group
Groupwide Brand Communications Division

Panasonic Corporation

Ian Cameron

Ian Cameron


CEO, Ian Cameron Media & Communications Ltd.,

Formerly Editor News, BBC Nations & Regions

Darrell Spinks

Darrell Spinks



President Front Row Productions.

Blu Steven

Blu Steven

New Zealand

TV commercial producer, director, writer

Managing Director, WANTED Film Production Ltd.

Othman Hafsham

Othman Hafsham


Film Director

Managing Director, Cinematic Sdn. Bhd.

Yuichi Ito

Yuichi Ito


Professor of Animation,
Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts

Executive director of Japan Animation Association

The photographs and videos are uploaded onto this website based on prior consent from each Kid Witness News (KWN) participating school as owners. The KWN participating school can remove their photos and/or videos from this website, by requesting officially to Panasonic Corporation.