Corporate Governance Internal Control

Corporate Governance Internal Control

Internal Control Over Corporate Information Disclosure

Internal Control Over Corporate Information Disclosure

Under its basic philosophy, "A company is a public entity of society," the Company has committed to highly transparent business activities and endeavored to be accountable its accountability to its stakeholders. The Company's specific approach to information disclosure is set forth in the “Panasonic Group Compliance Code of Conduct”, which embodies the Management Philosophy and sets forth specific items to be fulfilled in conducting business activities while practicing compliance. The basic policy on information disclosure, together with practical standards, methods and internal systems, are published in the “Disclosure Policy” on the Company’s website.

In accordance with this basic policy, important matters concerning the management of the Group are resolved or reported at the Board of Directors pursuant to the Rules of Meetings of the Board of Directors. These important matters and other matters, which are required to be disclosed under relevant laws and ordinances in Japan and overseas or any other regulations, are timely and accurately reported from each relevant department, that has the important internal information, to the department that handles relevant information under the monitoring of Group CFO, so that important information is gathered. Further, matters required to be disclosed under the rules of financial instruments exchanges are also under the monitoring of the Group CFO.

Also, if any of the matters which is required to be disclosed under relevant laws and ordinances in Japan and overseas, and the rules of financial instruments exchanges or any other regulations, occurs at the Company’s subsidiaries including the Operating Companies, such matter shall be immediately reported to the "IR Section, Corporate Finance, Accounting & IR Department" or the "Financial & Accounting Center" of Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd., depending upon the nature thereof; Thus, the Company has established a structure whereby these matters can be collected.

With respect to the information gathered or identified, the Company determines the necessity of disclosure thereof in accordance with relevant laws and ordinances in Japan and overseas, and the rules of financial instruments exchanges or any other regulations, and makes effort to disclose it at the time that the organization, which effectively decides execution of the business of the Company, makes a resolution or determination, or becomes aware of its occurrence.

In addition, the Company endeavors to confirm the contents and expressions of the disclosure with the relevant departments within the Company and outside legal counsel to ensure the accuracy, fairness and adequacy of the disclosure.

Moreover, the Company has established disclosure control procedures in order to comply with relevant laws and ordinances in Japan and overseas, the rules of financial instruments exchanges and any other regulations, and to implement the fair, accurate and timely disclosure of information about its Group, etc. In the process of preparation and confirmation of documents such as annual securities reports, the Disclosure Committee, which is comprised of managers from principal departments that handle relevant information, confirms and approves the validity of the content of the descriptions and the appropriateness of the procedures concerning the disclosure under the supervision of the Group CEO and the Group CFO, who are responsible for establishing, maintaining and ensuring the effectiveness of the internal control and disclosure control of the Company. The chairperson of the Disclosure Committee is appointed by the Group CEO and the Group CFO, and the members of the Disclosure Committee are appointed by the chairperson of the Disclosure Committee. The Disclosure Committee also develops, maintains, improves and evaluates the internal control procedures concerning disclosure matters.

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

The Company has documented the actual status of its internal control system, with integrated control provided by the Internal Control Promotion Office of Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd., in order to ensure reliability in the financial reporting of the Panasonic Group including its subsidiaries, ranging from the control infrastructure to actual internal control activities. Specifically, the Company has reinforced its internal controls by implementing self-checks and self-assessment programs at each of the Operating Companies. Then, Internal Auditing Managers of the Operating Companies appointed by the Company at each of the Operating Companies conduct audits. Based on the audits, the Internal Control Promotion Office supervises the group-wide internal control audits in order to confirm the effectiveness of each company’s financial reporting. With the aim of further enhancing the Group’s internal control system, in fiscal 2024 Panasonic had approximately 380 personnel assigned to conduct internal audits in the Internal Auditing Group.

Please refer to the "Corporate Governance Report" for the latest compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, the basic policy of the internal control system, and more.