1.Respecting human rights
As a global organization conducting business throughout the world, we comply with all applicable laws and regulations in our business activities and respects internationally recognized human rights, such as those expressed in international norms established by the United Nations and the International Labour Organization. As well as upholding the human rights of Panasonic members, we should strive to prevent, mitigate, and remediate any potential adverse impact on the human rights of any of our stakeholders which may result from our business activities, products, services, and those transactions.
Our Commitment
- We have established internal rules relating to respect for human rights, incorporating the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour, effective abolition of child labour, protection of young workers, equality of employment opportunity and treatment, elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, freedom of association, dialogue between labour and management, effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, and securing a safe and healthy working environment, and thoroughly comply with these rules.
- We comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to wages, including minimum wages, overtime payments, and legally required employee benefits.
- We comply with labour laws and regulations applicable to work hours and holidays, and strive to appropriately adjust the work hours and work contents so that Panasonic members can have a healthy lifestyle by maintaining good mental and physical health.(See also Safeguarding Health and Safety)
- We strive to prevent any adverse impact on human rights when developing and providing products and services.
- We also seek the understanding of Panasonic’s policies and practice regarding human rights and labour compliance from our suppliers, customers, and business partners. We strive to take appropriate measures to monitor, prevent, mitigate, and remedy supply chain risks in collaboration with them.(See also Building fair and transparent supply chains)
My Commitment
- I comply with the internal rules relating to respect for human rights.
- I do not engage in discrimination or discriminatory behavior that may result in discrimination based on any of the following or similar matters: age, gender, race, skin color, belief, religion, social status, nationality, ethnic group, marital status, sexual preference, gender identity and gender expression, pregnancy, medical history, viral infection or similar, genetic information, disability, political party membership, or political preference, labour union membership, or history of military service.
- I respect the differing views and values of individuals. I refrain from engaging in behavior which ignores the value of the individual such as using hurtful language or engaging in any form of harassment or violence. (See also Respecting each other)
- If I become aware of any potential violation of human rights or responsible labour practices, or discrimination or harassment at Panasonic or at any of our suppliers, service providers, or in our supply chain, I will report my concerns promptly.(See also Reporting or raising concerns)
Public Information
2.Protecting our environment
Over the last few centuries, industrial activity has been responsible for pollution and other damage to the environment. Governments and international agencies around the world are developing regulations and setting targets to address this issue before it becomes too late. It is our strong belief that we at Panasonic must dedicate ourselves towards realizing an “ideal society”, meaning a society with both material and spiritual abundance. Although we have been tackling global environmental problems for many years, in the 21st century this will become our highest priority as we take the lead in providing environmental solutions.
Our Commitment
- We ensure our manufacturing and business processes comply with applicable laws and regulations relating to the protection of the environment, including regulations relating to emissions, pollutants and hazardous waste.
- We establish processes to monitor our impact on the environment and partner with our customers, suppliers and the communities in which we operate to pursue continuous improvements.
- We use our technical strength and expertise to offer products and services that create environmental value for our customers.
- We set challenging targets to reduce our CO2 emissions, improve recycling oriented manufacturing, conserve water resources and reduce the environmental and human health impact of the chemical substances used in our operations and in our products. We implement activities to achieve these targets.
My Commitment
- I comply with the internal rules and processes applying to my work which have been implemented to minimize our negative impact on the environment.
- I comply with applicable internal controls to prevent the release of harmful chemical substances into the environment.
- Whether I work in an office or a factory, I am mindful not to waste water or other resources, to recycle where possible and to conserve energy. Even small steps taken by each individual at Panasonic can have a significant impact when measured across our whole Panasonic Group.
- If I become aware that the environmental impact of a Panasonic manufacturing process or a Panasonic product or service is more severe than expected or intended, or if I suspect that the environmental impact is being falsified in any way, regardless of the justification, I promptly raise my concern. (See also Reporting or raising concerns)
Public Information

3.Respecting individuals’ privacy
Personal information (also referred to as “personal data”) covers a wide variety of information which, separately or together with other pieces of information, can identify an individual in their personal or their business capacity. The use, circulation, and storage of data in society and business is rapidly advancing. With this evolution, personal information is becoming more valuable than ever to companies and individuals are becoming more aware of how their personal information can be used, and misused, by companies. Laws and regulations are developing around the world to protect individuals’ privacy. We must be respectful of how we handle the personal information entrusted to us.
Our Commitment
- We collect, handle and share personal information in a responsible and transparent manner. We comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations in all relevant jurisdictions when processing or dealing with personal data of customers, suppliers, business partners and Panasonic members.
- We seek informed consent to handle personal information when required by laws and regulations.
- We have established procedures to respond promptly to enquiries from individuals regarding our handling of their personal information as required by law.
- We adopt appropriate organizational measures, technology and security safeguards to protect the personal information which has been entrusted to us by our suppliers, customers, business partners and Panasonic members against loss, misuse and unauthorized sharing. (See also Protecting and using our company assets)
- We promptly address any suspected issue or incident regarding the mishandling of personal information and, where required, report to regulators and inform any affected individuals.
- We respond promptly to changes in local laws and regulations governing the handling of personal information and adjust our procedures and safeguards accordingly.
My Commitment
- I comply with the internal rules applicable to the personal information I handle.
- I only collect and use personal information which is necessary and relevant to achieving the purpose given when the information was collected.
- I do not share any individual’s personal information with anyone inside or outside of Panasonic unless I have confirmed that the individual has given consent or that such sharing is permitted under the relevant laws and regulations.
- I promptly report any questions, requests or complaints I receive from individuals regarding our handling of their personal information in accordance with our company procedures and I take any other necessary steps under those procedures.
- If I become aware of loss, misuse or unauthorized access of any personal information, I immediately report the matter through my business department’s or my region’s local incident reporting channels.
4.Preventing insider trading
In the course of our work, we may come to know non-public information about Panasonic or about our suppliers, customers and business partners that may affect the price of stocks, shares and other traded securities. We should conduct ourselves fairly and honestly and not take advantage of our access to non-public information for selfish or personal gains or share the information to allow others to benefit unfairly. If we engage in insider trading or share non-public information so others can deal as an insider, we break the trust of our stakeholders, including investors, suppliers, customers and business partners and also the general public.
Our Commitment
- We prohibit all Panasonic members, including directors, who have access to important non-public information from trading in the stocks, shares and other securities of Panasonic Holdings Corporation and its publicly listed subsidiaries and in the securities of any relevant suppliers, customers, and business partners.
My Commitment
- I comply with applicable internal rules regarding prevention of insider trading.
- I do not buy or sell any stocks, shares or other securities of Panasonic Holdings Corporation or any of its publicly listed subsidiaries or the securities of any relevant suppliers, customers or business partners while I am aware of any important non-public information.
- I do not share any non-public information with anyone, including friends and family, except to properly perform my role at Panasonic. I do not assist any other person to benefit inappropriately from trading in the securities of Panasonic Holdings Corporation or any of its publicly listed subsidiaries or the securities of any of our suppliers, customers or business partners based on any non-public information.
- I consult the legal and compliance team before trading in the securities of Panasonic Holdings Corporation or any of its publicly listed subsidiaries or the securities of our suppliers, customers or business partners if I am unsure whether I possess any relevant non-public information. Where required by applicable internal rules, I submit any necessary request for pre-approval before buying or selling Panasonic Holdings Corporation or other listed Panasonic Group company securities.