Corporate Governance Basic Policy

Corporate Governance Basic Policy

The Company believes it is important to increase corporate value by fulfilling accountability through dialogue with various stakeholders such as shareholders and customers, making effort to execute transparent business activities, and swiftly conducting business activities with fairness and honesty based on its management philosophy of “a company is a public entity of society.” For this reason, we recognize that corporate governance is an important foundation of management. The fundamental structure is an audit and supervisory system consisting of the Board of Directors that decides the execution of strategies and important matters related to the overall Group and supervises the execution of Director duties, and the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Audit & Supervisory Board which supervises the execution of Director duties. The entire Panasonic Group endeavors to establish and strengthen this structure as an effective system.

The Company conducts the following activities to enhance effectiveness of its corporate governance.

  1. Secures the rights and equal treatment of shareholders.
  2. Endeavors to appropriately cooperate with stakeholders such as employees, customers, business partners and local societies with the recognition that its sustainable growth is brought about as a result of receiving resources and contributions from such stakeholders.
  3. Appropriately discloses corporate information and ensure transparency of the management.
  4. Given its fiduciary responsibility and accountability to shareholders, the Board of Directors set the broad direction of corporate strategy, establish an environment where appropriate risk-taking is supported and carry out effective oversight of Directors and management from an independent and objective standpoint.
  5. Engages in constructive dialogue with shareholders in order to contribute to the sustainable growth and the increase of corporate value over the mid- to long-term.

Milestones in strengthening corporate governance

The Company is working to establish and strengthen its corporate governance structure based on its recognition that effective corporate governance is a key foundation for making contributions to its customers and society through its business and furthermore increasing its corporate value.

Composition of Directors

System, Mechanisms, etc.