Senior Management
July 1, 2024
Board of Directors

Representative Director/Executive Vice President Tetsuro Homma
Group Regional Head for China & Northeast Asia
* President, Panasonic Operational Excellence China and Northeast Asia, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. Chairperson, Panasonic Corporation of China

Representative Director/Executive Vice President Mototsugu Sato
Group Chief Risk Management Officer (Group CRO)
In charge of Procurement, Logistics, and General Affairs and Social Relations Occupational Safety and Health Director
* Representative Director, Member of the Board, President, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer (CEO), In charge of DEI Promotion and General Affairs

Representative Director/Executive Vice President Hirokazu Umeda
Group Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO)
In charge of Group MUDA Busters Project and Facility Management
CEO, Panasonic Holding (Netherlands) B.V. President, Panasonic Equity Management Japan G.K.
In charge of Prime Life Technologies

Director/Executive Vice President Yoshiyuki Miyabe
In charge of Government and External Relations, and Solution Partners
Representative in Tokyo
Audit & Supervisory Board Members
Hidetoshi Baba, Senior Audit & Supervisory Board Member will be in charge of Chairperson of Audit & Supervisory Board
Executive Officers

Executive Vice President Tetsuro Homma
Group Regional Head for China & Northeast Asia
* President, Panasonic Operational Excellence China and Northeast Asia, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. Chairperson, Panasonic Corporation of China

Executive Vice President Yoshiyuki Miyabe
In charge of Government and External Relations, and Solution Partners
Representative in Tokyo

Executive Vice President Mototsugu Sato
Group Chief Risk Management Officer (Group CRO)
In charge of Procurement, Logistics, and General Affairs and Social Relations Occupational Safety and Health Director
* Representative Director, Member of the Board, President, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer (CEO), In charge of DEI Promotion and General Affairs

Executive Vice President Hirokazu Umeda
Group Chief Financial Officer (Group CFO)
In charge of Group MUDA Busters Project and Facility Management
CEO, Panasonic Holding (Netherlands) B.V. President, Panasonic Equity Management Japan G.K.
In charge of Prime Life Technologies

Executive Officer Tatsuo Kinoshita
Group Chief Human Resources Officer (Group CHRO)

Executive Officer Yoky Matsuoka
Director, Panasonic Well

Executive Officer Masashi Nagayasu
In charge of Prime Planet Energy & Solutions, Inc.
* Representative Director, Member of the Board, President, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer (CEO), In charge of DEI Promotion

Executive Officer Tatsuo Ogawa
Group Chief Technology Officer (Group CTO)
In charge of Pharmaceutical Affairs

Executive Officer Ayako Shotoku
Group General Counsel (Group GC)
In charge of Construction Safety and Regulations Administration

Executive Officer Kazuyo Sumida
ProfileGroup Chief Strategy Officer (Group CSO)
General Manager, Corporate Planning Group

Executive Officer Hajime Tamaoki
Group Chief Information Officer (Group CIO)
In charge of Cyber Security
President, Panasonic Information Systems Co., Ltd.

Executive Officer Shigeo Usui
In charge of Design
* Executive Officer, Panasonic Corporation,
Chief Customer Experience Officer (CCXO),
In chargeof Design, Brand and Communications