How Panasonic Expects its Suppliers to Achieve CSR Procurement
Pursuant to the procurement policy, Panasonic complies with laws and regulations, social norms and corporate ethics. Panasonic promotes procurement activities together with suppliers that fulfill legal and social requirements related to human rights, labor, health and safety, global environmental conservation, information security.
In order to fulfill the social responsibility throughout the supply chain, Panasonic has established "Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidelines". We appreciate your cooperation and compliance with these guidelines.
And we request detailed requistion of "Clean Procurement","Green Procurement"and "Information Security " are as below.
● Agreement with Panasonic's Clean Procurement Policy
Panasonic requires our suppliers to agree with Panasonic's " fair and ethics-based procurement principle" (Clean Procurement Declaration) and "Guideline of Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption (For Business Partners)" and implement fair business.
● Environmentally Consciousness Management (Green Procurement)
Our suppliers must actively implement programs for conserving the global environment and conduct environmental management. The supply of all parts, materials, and products to Panasonic must be carried out in accordance with the Green Procurement Policy.
● Ensuring Information Security
Panasonic is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities as a global company with whom customers can feel a sense of security in dealing, aiming to build a healthy information society. Specifically, we will implement effective information security programs to properly handle and manage customer information, personal data, and information assets such as technologies, quality, products, and services.
To achieve this goal, Panasonic has specified its own information security standards, and we ask our suppliers to achieve the same level of information security.
If you would like to build a deeper and wider partnership with Panasonic, you must appreciate the need to ensure information security as one of our most important social requirements.
Information Security Management Guidelines for Our Business Partners Ver. 2.2(Japanese)
Information Security Management Guidelines for Our Business Partners Ver. 2.2(English)
Information Security Management Guidelines for Our Business Partners Ver. 2.2(Chinese)
Check Sheet on Information Security Management Ver. 2.2(ZIP 45KB)(Japanese)
Check Sheet on Information Security Management Ver. 2.2(ZIP 41KB)(English)
Check Sheet on Information Security Management Ver. 2.2(ZIP 46KB)(Chinese)
How Panasonic Expects its Suppliers to Achieve CSR Procurement
Pursuant to the procurement policy, Panasonic complies with laws and regulations, social norms and corporate ethics. Panasonic promotes procurement activities together with suppliers that fulfill legal and social requirements related to human rights, labor, health and safety, global environmental conservation, information security.
In order to fulfill the social responsibility throughout the supply chain, Panasonic has established "Supply Chain CSR Promotion Guidelines". We appreciate your cooperation and compliance with these guidelines.
And we request detailed requistion of "Clean Procurement","Green Procurement"and "Information Security " are as below.
● Agreement with Panasonic's Clean Procurement Policy
Panasonic requires our suppliers to agree with Panasonic's "fair and ethics-based procurement principle" (Clean Procurement Declaration) and "Guideline of Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption (For Business Partners)" and implement fair business.
● Environmentally Consciousness Management (Green Procurement)
Our suppliers must actively implement programs for conserving the global environment and conduct environmental management. The supply of all parts, materials, and products to Panasonic must be carried out in accordance with the Green Procurement Policy.
● Ensuring Information Security
Panasonic is committed to fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities as a global company with whom customers can feel a sense of security in dealing, aiming to build a healthy information society. Specifically, we will implement effective information security programs to properly handle and manage customer information, personal data, and information assets such as technologies, quality, products, and services.
To achieve this goal, Panasonic has specified its own information security standards, and we ask our suppliers to achieve the same level of information security.
If you would like to build a deeper and wider partnership with Panasonic, you must appreciate the need to ensure information security as one of our most important social requirements.
Information Security Management Guidelines for Our Business Partners Ver. 2.2(Japanese)
Information Security Management Guidelines for Our Business Partners Ver. 2.2(English)
Information Security Management Guidelines for Our Business Partners Ver. 2.2(Chinese)
Check Sheet on Information Security Management Ver. 2.2(ZIP 45KB)(Japanese)
Check Sheet on Information Security Management Ver. 2.2(ZIP 41KB)(English)
Check Sheet on Information Security Management Ver. 2.2(ZIP 46KB)(Chinese)
● Global Hotline
Panasonic has established the Panasonic Global Compliance Hotline that not only our employees but also our suppliers can use to anonymously report any violation or suspected violation of laws and regulations, agreements with our suppliers, and the "Panasonic Group Code of Ethics & Compliance" or the like in the context of our supply chain.
Hotline's URL: EthicsPoint - Panasonic
In addition, Panasonic Group has participated in an engagement and remedy platform for redress of grievances, provided by Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), based on the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights". This platform receives complaints and reports of grievances regarding cases of human rights violations from any of stakeholders in our supply chain. By receiving reports of grievances through third party's platform, the grievance mechanism is ensured equitability and transparency. We will promote engagement and remedy more than ever before and press ahead essential issue resolution on human rights.
JaCER's URL: Form|JaCER (
Both of Panasonic Global Hotline and JaCER's platform ensure anonymity of informer and secret of reporting contents.
● Global Hotline
Panasonic has established the Panasonic Global Compliance Hotline that not only our employees but also our suppliers can use to anonymously report any violation or suspected violation of laws and regulations, agreements with our suppliers, and the "Panasonic Group Code of Ethics & Compliance" or the like in the context of our supply chain.
Hotline's URL: EthicsPoint - Panasonic
In addition, Panasonic Group has participated in an engagement and remedy platform for redress of grievances, provided by Japan Center for Engagement and Remedy on Business and Human Rights (JaCER), based on the United Nations "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights". This platform receives complaints and reports of grievances regarding cases of human rights violations from any of stakeholders in our supply chain. By receiving reports of grievances through third party's platform, the grievance mechanism is ensured equitability and transparency. We will promote engagement and remedy more than ever before and press ahead essential issue resolution on human rights.
JaCER's URL: Form|JaCER (
Both of Panasonic Global Hotline and JaCER's platform ensure anonymity of informer and secret of reporting contents.