1.Respecting each other
Panasonic Group develops its members to take an active role in our global business. Panasonic promotes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the workplace, cultivating an environment where the individuality of each person working at Panasonic is respected, included and valued. We harness the power of our diversity, while providing equal opportunities for each individual to take on challenges according to their own unique characteristics and experiences. Panasonic believes in the importance of managing by gathering the wisdom of each individual and welcomes, accepts and respects diverse views and perspectives.
Our Commitment
- We do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment. We conduct activities, and have created a framework, to raise awareness of these issues and to establish our company as an organization in which the individuality of each person is respected.
- We promote and improve our systems for career growth opportunities, personnel assessment, compensation, human resource development, and promotion to create an environment where diversity is valued. (See also Respecting human rights)
- We promote a positive work environment that appreciates a wide variety of different work styles. We foster a collaborative culture, so that each person working at Panasonic can demonstrate his or her full individuality. As an organization, we leverage the power of our diversity.
My Commitment
- I do not engage in any behavior that may result in discrimination based on any of the following or any similar personal characteristics, experiences or beliefs: age, gender, race, skin color, belief, religion, social status, nationality, ethnic group, marital status, sexual preference, gender identity and gender expression, pregnancy, medical history, existence or non-existence of viral infection or similar, genetic information, existence or non-existence of disability, political party membership or political preference, labor union membership or history of military service.
- I endeavor to create a fair and positive workplace. I respect the differing views and values of individuals and refrain from engaging in behavior which ignores the value of the individual. I do not use hurtful or aggressive language against others, or engage in any form of bullying, harassment or violence.
- I take prompt action when I notice acts of discrimination or harassment by my colleagues, supervisors, managers or executives towards myself or towards anyone else I interact with inside or outside Panasonic. This can include immediately and honestly stating my opinion to the person responsible or providing support to victims of discrimination or harassment. I report any perceived discrimination or harassment. (See also Reporting or raising concerns)

2.Safeguarding health and safety
Companies should provide a safe, secure, and healthy working environment for all of their members, which protects their physical and mental well-being. Being healthy, feeling safe and having a sense of security are arguably essential human needs. “To be healthy” means not merely the absence of disease or injury, but to live energetically in good physical and mental condition. A safe working environment with open communication is required to ensure workers feel secure and make the most of their abilities.
Our Commitment
- Reflecting our founder, Konosuke Matsushita’s, strong belief in the spirit of “valuing our employees”, we strive to provide workplaces where all Panasonic members can work safely in good physical and mental health. We have established frameworks to promote health, safety and mental wellbeing and to identify potentially hazardous and harmful aspects of our work environment. We conduct risk assessments, and systematically make improvements based on the results. We provide structured education and training to advance these goals.
- We comply with the laws and regulations applicable to work hours and holidays and endeavor to appropriately adjust the work hours and work content so that employees can maintain good physical and mental health and live a healthy lifestyle. (See also Respecting Human Rights)
- In addition to providing Panasonic members with any required medical health checks, we also provide opportunities for Panasonic members to learn more about achieving better physical and mental health.
My Commitment
- I perform my work safely in accordance with the internal rules and procedures applicable to my work.
- If I notice any hazardous or harmful work activities, equipment, or area in the workplace, I immediately report it to my supervisors or persons responsible and request appropriate measures be taken without leaving the problem unresolved.
- I actively participate in the activities and educational training necessary to maintain and enhance workplace safety, and I welcome and encourage communication in the workplace to enhance personal health and mental wellbeing.
- If I notice a health or safety risk that I cannot immediately resolve by myself, I make a report to those responsible for health and safety or raise a concern, so that action can be taken to reduce or remove the risk. (See also Reporting or raising concerns)
- 【For Leaders】 I take effort to maintain and improve the workplace environment so that my team members may work in a safe and healthy manner. I set appropriate goals for my team, properly communicate with my team members, listen to their opinions, and strive to increase their motivation to make full use of their abilities.
- 【For Leaders】I observe my team members’ work hours to ensure they are not working excessive hours beyond applicable legal limits or disguising, or under-reporting, their actual working hours.