A teenage girl is faced with deep sadness at the sudden loss of a close friend. This film tells the moving story of how, through an extraordinary experience, she accepts the loss of her friend and regains her own aspirations.
A young boy who loves drawing, starts fundraising activities for a very ill friend. The video - based on a true story - shows how one young friend's love can make a big difference.
Every child loves Chocolate. In this film, many of those connected to its production are interviewed in order to highlight the plight of child laborers involved in the harvesting of chocolate's raw ingredient - cocoa.
In the harsh conditions of 100 years ago, why did a group of young girls have to cross snowy a mountain pass at -10℃ While looking back to past, this video also looks forward to the social issues of the present and future.
If one thinks about it, there are many ways to study. In this story, a young boy who loves English but has no text books, devises a simple way to study the language.
The K-Factor Award is awarded to videos with creative use of technology and how much the KWN motto 'The World Through Their Eyes' is reflected.
It is the year 2047. 35 years earlier - during a state of environmental destruction - the birds of the cities flock and attack, bringing the world's machines and factories grinding to a halt. As a result, humans return to a more human life.
Ian Cameron
Chief Executive Officer, Ian Cameron Media & Communications Ltd.
Formerly Editor News, BBC Nations and Regions
Othman Hafsham
Film Director and Managing Director, Cinematic Sdn. Bhd.
Yuichi Ito
Professor of Animation, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Tokyo University of the Arts
Executive Director, Japan Animation Association
Darrell Spinks
President and Producer, Front Row Productions
Blu Steven
New Zealand
Producer and Managing Director,
WANTED Film Production Ltd.