The US Company was founded in 2019 as one of the region-based Divisional Companies alongside the China & Northeast Asia Company. Capitalizing on high-tech growth markets, we aim to leverage its technology to carve out a competitive advantage and to position ourselves for growth by establishing market leadership. We have two core business segments and one incubation-stage business: Supplying lithium-ion batteries to Tesla, Inc., the world's largest electric vehicle (EV) company; Hussmann Corporation, a refrigeration systems and display case provider that joined the Panasonic Group in 2016; and Smart Mobility Office that would leverage data to increase road safety and reduce road traffic and congestion.
Popularizing EVs with our lithium-ion batteries
Tesla commands the largest share of the global electric vehicles (EVs) market. The movement they created is accelerating other automakers' shift to manufacturing EVs. Likewise, Panasonic is a leader in the lithium-ion battery industry. As one of Tesla’s key battery partners, we are contributing to a sustainable society by helping meet the growing demand for automobiles that run on clean energy.
As EVs evolve, the demands placed on lithium-ion batteries will also change. We’ve helped to extend the cruising range of EVs to a level comparable with gasoline vehicles by refining the technologies that increase battery capacity. In research and development, we continue to work to meet the growing list of battery requirements, such as even longer ranges and more charging and discharging cycles.
Greening cold chains with a new business model
Responding to growing environmental awareness in North America, Hussmann is transforming its business model from sales of refrigeration systems and display cases toward the provision of such products as a service. By improving maintenance with predictive diagnostics, reducing energy and labor costs with IoT, and promoting equipment that uses environmentally responsible refrigerants, Hussmann is helping to make cold chains, supply chains dedicated to delivering refrigerated foods, greener and more reliable.
Improving road safety and convenience
Our Smart Mobility teams are hard at work promoting the development of safe urban road infrastructure as part of a rapidly emerging mobility initiative. As states move toward connecting vehicles to vehicle-to-everything (V2X) infrastructure to help prevent traffic accidents and alleviate congestion and air pollution, the US Company is partnering with transportation departments to build information platforms in Utah, Colorado, and Georgia.

Identifying strategic actions for the SDGs

Panasonic's business philosophy aligns perfectly with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Because the SDGs are so comprehensive, however, the US Company must choose specific goals to pursue as part of strategic business. Whether it’s by expanding clean energy to combat climate change or making cities more livable, we are committed to working with our American customers to create “A Better Life, A Better World.”