
What is Sustainable Seafood?

Sustainable Seafood is seafood that has received certification for sustainable production  (fishing and aquaculture) as well as management and traceability in processing, distribution,  and marketing. The quickest way to choose Sustainable Seafood is to look for seafood  with MSC or ASC certification labels.  Certification from the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) indicates  that marine products harvested in the wild are caught using sustainable fishing methods. Aquaculture in and of itself is not necessarily sustainable.  In some cases, aquaculture can pollute the surrounding environment and can also be  a hotbed for forced labor. The ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) enforces  a certification system for aquaculture-based marine products. By placing these certification labels on marine products,  it’s easy to determine that the seafood you’re buying was produced  without using overfishing, IUU (Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated) fishing methods,  or fishing  practices and aquaculture farms that harm the environment.  As more consumers choose marine products with these certification labels,  more distributors and dealers will obtain certification, which will lead to greater protection  of marine ecosystems. The Panasonic Group has introduced Sustainable Seafood in its company cafeterias,  and that has led to employees who learn about Sustainable Seafood choosing  it in their consumption behavior outside of work. Our thinking is that if this spreads, it could make a big difference throughout Japan. *IUU fishing:   Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated fishing. An international problem  that threatens the effectiveness of resource management, and there have also been reports of  human rights issues that threaten the lives of crew members and others.
Why Choose Sustainable Seafood Now? ~ Choose Sustainable Seafood to protect the oceans! ~

Marine resources such as fish and shellfish, indispensable parts of Japan’s food culture,  can be considered a blessing from the rich and diverse seas, but in recent years,  the world’s various marine resources have been in steady decline.  The primary causes of this are overfishing and environmental destruction.  In particular, “Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated” (IUU) fishing is said to be  one of the major factors, and if we as consumers continue  to select cheap marine products harvested by overfishing,  these ocean resources will eventually be depleted and may even lose their ability  to replenish their own numbers.  In order for us to continue receiving these blessings from the ocean, it is essential  to choose Sustainable Seafood, seafood that is produced (caught or farmed)  in a sustainable manner that takes into account resource management, the environment,  and social matters. *According to one estimate, between 11 and  26 million tons of seafood are caught by IUU fishing globally, (Source: WWF Japan (

Panasonic is First in Japan to Introduce Sustainable Seafood  at Company Cafeterias

The Panasonic Group has been involved in marine protection activities  for some 20 years through collaboration with WWF Japan. Since March 2018,  in cooperation with supplier companies, we have been using seafood produced  (caught and farmed) in a sustainable manner that takes resource management  and environmental and social matters into consideration (Sustainable Seafood)  in the company cafeterias at two locations, including our headquarters. As of January 2024, the number of locations with company cafeterias offering  Sustainable Seafood had reached 57, and it is also starting to be introduced  at other companies as well as university co-ops.  The Panasonic Group will continue making efforts to contribute to SDG Goal 14,  “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for  sustainable development” by improving employee understanding and awareness  of the critical state of Earth’s marine resources, the significance and importance  of Sustainable Seafood along with its major certifications MSC/ASC  and their respective marks, and by encouraging changes  in employees’ consumption behavior so that they select and buy Sustainable Seafood  not only at the company cafeteria but also outside of work.

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The UN SDGs & Sustainable Seafood

Goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 goals for 2030 adopted by the United Nations, is “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”.
It advocates the need to conserve and sustainably use the oceans and marine products
and achieve sustainable development.

By introducing Sustainable Seafood to company cafeterias, the Panasonic Group is contributing to the achievement of the Goal 14 of the SDGs by increasing awareness of MSC and ASC certifications, encouraging employees to change their behavior as consumers, and expanding the impact of this initiative on our surroundings.