Initiatives to support the reconstruction of Fukushima and Sustainable Development Goal No. 11, “Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable”, by eating agricultural, livestock, and marine products from Fukushima Prefecture at company cafeterias, etc.

Support activities for the areas in the Tohoku Region that suffered unprecedented damage in the Great East Japan Earthquake
When a major disaster strikes, we work in conjunction with NPOs, NGOs, and other organizations to provide emergency supplies and relief funds to the affected areas. Encouraging our employees to volunteer and donate.

Promotion of traditional Japanese crafts, support for music and performing arts, and operation of the Panasonic Shiodome Museum of Art
In order to nurture the human resources of the next generation, we have established foundations that have existed since our founding to provide wide-ranging support for learning, including education and scholarship support, as well as academic achievement awards.

Contributing to the development of local communities as a company specializing in sports by promoting the community and human development that only sports can offer

A road race first held in 1988 in which wheelchair and regular runners run on the same course. Began sponsorship in 1996, and Panasonic Kibi Co., Ltd. has taken the lead in running the event secretariat since 1998.
Panasonic Group Corporate Citizenship Activities