100 eco actions = 1 tree planting

150 trees

180 trees

120 trees

110 trees

When shopping
- Buy food products certified as environmentally friendly (sustainable seafood, etc.)
- Use reusable bags
- Buy and use locally-made products
- Don’t buy products with excessive packaging and refuse excessive packaging
- Choose products that are closer to their expiration dates
When eating and drinking
- Don’t waste food
- Don’t use disposable tablewares
- Carry your own refillable bottle
- Eat environmentally friendly meals (soy-based meat, etc.)
When using things
- Take care of the clothing you have and wear it for as long as possible
- Repair and mend items to extend their lifespan
- Conserve electricity and water
- Select and use products that are designed to conserve resources or recycled
When throwing things away
- Don’t litter
- Separate your trash carefully
- Compost food scraps with a composter or processor
- Be careful of domestic sewage
When on the move
- Walk, ride a bike, and use public transport
- When driving, drive in an environmentally friendly manner (avoid sudden acceleration and stops, etc.)
- When driving, carpool whenever possible
When working and studying
- Wear Cool Biz and Warm Biz attire
- Don’t print things out unnecessarily
- Turn lights off, etc. when not in need
- Take part in environment-related study sessions and seminars
- Learn more about wildlife at zoos and botanical gardens
Other actions you can take
- Take part in environmental conservation activities (preservation and cleanup activities of mountain villages, forests, rivers, etc.,)
- Donate to environmental organizations and food banks
- Don’t abandon or release living things, and don’t bring in and spread non-native species
- Use apps that help you preserve the environment in your daily life
- Support companies that work to protect the environment (through product purchases, ESG investments, etc.)