Current Collective Eco-Actions

Thank you for all the eco-actions!​
We will continue to take eco-actions that can be done in each place and in our daily lives. Let's all come together and keep going!
Check here for the number of eco-actions collected by World Action 2024 (6/5-8/30)
56,022 actions
This time, we are set to plant a total of 560 trees in four countries through Treedom. Your actions have resulted in many trees, providing an opportunity to restore richness to the Earth. Once again, we would like to express our gratitude for your numerous actions.
560 trees

100 eco actions = 1 tree planting

Countries where trees are being planted

150 trees

180 trees

120 trees

110 trees

What is Treedom?

Treedom manages all planting data, including the country, type of tree, and number of trees planted. By tapping on the illustration of a tree that interests you, you can view its data and growth status from anywhere in the world. Let’s all watch over the process of enriching nature together.

Check here for the number of eco-actions collected by region at "WorldAction2024"!

Europe 1,220, India, South Asia, Near Middle East, Africa 1,021, China, Northeast Asia 1,393, Japan 48,171, Southeast Asia, Oceania 2,261, North America , Central America 1,156, South America 800

Why Do We Do World Action?

Everyone at Panasonic Working Together  to Change the World!

Change the World!

Next Eco-Runners

Information about the Eco-Runners is updated on a regular basis, so please be sure to check it often!

*Open to Panasonic Group employees only.

Daily Action List

When shopping

  • Buy food products certified as environmentally friendly (sustainable seafood, etc.)
  • Use reusable bags
  • Buy and use locally-made products
  • Don’t buy products with excessive packaging and refuse excessive packaging
  • Choose products that are closer to their expiration dates

When eating and drinking

  • Don’t waste food
  • Don’t use disposable tablewares
  • Carry your own refillable bottle
  • Eat environmentally friendly meals (soy-based meat, etc.)

When using things

  • Take care of the clothing you have and wear it for as long as possible
  • Repair and mend items to extend their lifespan
  • Conserve electricity and water
  • Select and use products that are designed to conserve resources or recycled

When throwing things away

  • Don’t litter
  • Separate your trash carefully
  • Compost food scraps with a composter or processor
  • Be careful of domestic sewage

When on the move

  • Walk, ride a bike, and use public transport
  • When driving, drive in an environmentally friendly manner (avoid sudden acceleration and stops, etc.)
  • When driving, carpool whenever possible

When working and studying

  • Wear Cool Biz and Warm Biz attire
  • Don’t print things out unnecessarily
  • Turn lights off, etc. when not in need
  • Take part in environment-related study sessions and seminars
  • Learn more about wildlife at zoos and botanical gardens

Other actions you can take

  • Take part in environmental conservation activities (preservation and cleanup activities of mountain villages, forests, rivers, etc.,)
  • Donate to environmental organizations and food banks
  • Don’t abandon or release living things, and don’t bring in and spread non-native species
  • Use apps that help you preserve the environment in your daily life
  • Support companies that work to protect the environment (through product purchases, ESG investments, etc.)

Worldwide Group Actions