From heart to hand to action.Running the relay for our future.

We who have inherited the earth have a duty to protect and  pass on its beauty to the next generation.It is our job to build on what nature gave us and make a  better world for all living creatures.No one understands this better than Panasonic.Which is why we place our responsibilities to planet  above our responsibilities to the company.This is why we continue our environmental activities and  widening our reach to ensure that life across the globe can thrive.From hearts to hands to actions,  Panasonic is passing on the baton as we run the ECO relay for the future of our planet.

Activities all over the world

In order to encourage employees and their families to actively engage in environmental activities at home and in their local communities, Panasonic has been promoting Love the Earth Citizens’ Campaign (LE Campaign) in Japan since 1998, believing that only truly green-minded employees can manufacture truly green products. In 2008 we introduced Panasonic Eco Relay, where business sites around the world plan local environmental activities and implement them with their employees, along with adults and children from the community. These activities have expanded on a global basis and developed in many different ways. We strive to contribute to establishing a sustainable global environment and society as global citizens through activities under Panasonic Eco Relay for Sustainable Earth, which was named in October 2010 to reflect our desire to make a connection across the generations.

Initiatives in Japan

Panasonic ECO RELAY JAPAN aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by actively participating in and implementing environmental conservation activities together with local communities as “One Panasonic” including our domestic companies, unions, and retirees' associations in Japan.
To achieve this goal, ECO RELAY JAPAN is engaged in a wide range of global environmental conservation activities, including biodiversity conservation which focuses on forests, green spaces, and water; activities that will assist in the conservation of “satoyama” (undeveloped woodlands near populated areas); and nature education activities, and is working to raise awareness of the need to prevent global warming and re-examine our lifestyles.
With the cooperation of related groups in various areas, tens of thousands of people have participated in our activities annually in the past, including forest conservation and reforestation activities; clean-up of green spaces, parks, and riverbeds; extermination of exotic aquatic plants and other exotic species; nature observation meetings; lectures on the environment; water quality surveys; research meetings; biotope development, environmental household accounting booklets; and the promotion of eco-bags.

Clearing reeds to protect the lake

Activities to protect waterfront environments

Satoyama conservation activities

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Environmental conservation activities pursued by a group of employees from nearby locations