Off-grid Solutions Project
Kenya Activity Report
Held a donation ceremony at the Ilkimati Primary School

The Off-grid Solutions Project was launched in Kenya, making it the third country following Indonesia and Myanmar. The donation ceremony took place at the primary school in Enkutoto District, Elang'ata Enterit, Narok South Constituency with approximately 300 participants, including officials from the Government of the Republic of Kenya, Embassy of Japan in Kenya, and JICA Kenya Office and honored guests. When the switch for the photovoltaic and energy storage system was pressed and the lights came on for the first time in Enkutoto, cheers arose from the residents and children.

Main participants at donation ceremony

National Director, World Vision Japan

National Director, World Vision Kenya

General Manager, CSR & Citizenship Department, Panasonic Corporation
Going into full-scale operation
In cooperation with World Vision Japan, Panasonic will carry out this project for two years through September 30, 2020. Through electrification of the locality, income growth activity with the use of electricity, and evening literacy education, we will contribute to improvement of people's lives and the community's self-sustainability.