To ensure the sustainable development of civic activities to address social issues toward the creation of a sustainable society, it is indispensable to strengthen the organizational foundations of NPOs and NGOs.
In 2001, Panasonic launched the “Panasonic NPO Support Funds” (present name: the Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Funds for SDGs), a grant program to assist NPOs and NGOs in strengthening their organizational foundations. This program was a crucial component of Panasonic's corporate citizenship initiatives. Since then, we have implemented unique programs that contribute to "strengthening organizational foundations" in tandem with the growth and development of the NPO and NGO sectors.

Introductory Course for NPO Practical Management (2007 - 2017)

An e-learning course was held for NPO staff and supporters, who are critical in strengthening organizational foundations, to provide basic knowledge about NPO and social enterprise management.

Seminar & Workshop on Strengthening Organizational Foundations (2008 - present)

This seminar and workshop is held during the "Support Fund" application period to deepen participants' understanding of the importance of strengthening organizational foundations. The seminar and workshop focus on the theme of “what it means to strengthen organizational foundations,” providing participants with opportunities to think deeply about their own organizational issues through classroom lectures and case study presentations in the seminar and group work in the workshop.

Panasonic NPO Support Marketing Program (2008 - 2017)

Marketing is an important activity for NPOs in order to acquire support such as donations, members, and volunteers, receive compensation for services provided and achieve the organization's mission. Therefore, we provided marketing training and individual support to NPOs with the aim of enabling them to acquire marketing skills and to share and utilize the know-how learned not only as individual skills but also throughout the organization to solve their own various organizational issues.

Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Pro-bono Program (2011 - Present)

This program aims to strengthen the business development capabilities of NPOs that are working to solve social issues and to help NPOs achieve even greater results by making broad use of the skills and experience that Panasonic Group employees have gained through their work for society. Under this program, Panasonic employees work in teams to assist NPOs in "developing business plans," "conducting marketing research," "creating sales materials," and "rebuilding websites."

In January 2017, our pro-bono initiatives received a “Special Prize” in the Category of the Tokyo Metropolitan Social Contribution Awards for Building a Mutual Aid Society.

NPO/NGO "Support Power" Promotion Program (2013 - Present)

To effectively strengthen the organizational foundations of NPOs and NGOs, we believe that NPO intermediate support organizations across the country must collaborate closely with NPOs in their respective regions to assist them in strengthening their organizational foundations. To that end, we provide training for NPO intermediate support organization staff to systematically learn the knowledge and skills required to support the strengthening of organizational foundations.