- Region : JAPAN
- Company name : Panasonic ITS Co., Ltd. / Panasonic ITS Friendship Union
- Action : Use my own bottle / Take part in environmental conservation activities
- Message : We are participating in environmental conservation activities for the Tsurumi River (Yokohama City), which flows near our company! Don't forget to hydrate with your own bottle! Community members, colleagues and family members also participate in the activities.

- Region : JAPAN
- Company name : Panasonic ITS Co., Ltd. / Panasonic ITS Friendship Union
- Action : Use my own bottle / Take part in environmental conservation activities
- Message : We are participating in environmental conservation activities for the Tsurumi River (Yokohama City), which flows near our company! Don't forget to hydrate with your own bottle! Community members, colleagues and family members also participate in the activities.