- Region : EUROPE
- Name : Pavel Agatin
- Company name : PHVACEU
- Action : I participate in garbage cleanups, reuse and recycle whenever possible, follow a purely vegan diet, and support environmental organizations.
- Message : Our planet and climate are sending clear signals that we cannot continue living as if there is no tomorrow. It is crucial for everyone to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, where every single action counts. I have been vegan for over seven years, and this choice has brought not only health benefits but also the satisfaction of knowing that no animals suffer for my meals. Adopting a vegan diet is one of the most straightforward and impactful ways to conserve fresh water, save countless animal lives, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. I encourage everyone to consider making this change. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 😊

- Region : EUROPE
- Name : Pavel Agatin
- Company name : PHVACEU
- Action : I participate in garbage cleanups, reuse and recycle whenever possible, follow a purely vegan diet, and support environmental organizations.
- Message : Our planet and climate are sending clear signals that we cannot continue living as if there is no tomorrow. It is crucial for everyone to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle, where every single action counts. I have been vegan for over seven years, and this choice has brought not only health benefits but also the satisfaction of knowing that no animals suffer for my meals. Adopting a vegan diet is one of the most straightforward and impactful ways to conserve fresh water, save countless animal lives, and significantly reduce your carbon footprint. I encourage everyone to consider making this change. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 😊