Panasonic NPO Support Fund for Africa (until 2019)
In order to fulfill our responsibilities as a global company by providing support to African countries and to help achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a commitment made by the international community, we launched the “Panasonic NPO Support Fund for Africa”, a program to strengthen the public relations foundation of NPOs and NGOs based in Japan that conduct activities in Africa.

Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation established (present-day K. Matsushita Foundation)
Matsushita International Foundation and K. Matsushita Foundation of Expo ’90 merged to form the Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation

Panasonic ECO RELAY JAPAN (PERJ) established
We aim to contribute to a sustainable society by having our company, union, and retiree associations in Japan actively participate in and practice environmental conservation activities as "One Panasonic” together with local communities.
*This includes the domestic functions of the Matsushita Green Volunteer Club (MGV) established in 1993, the Love the Earth Citizen’s Campaign started in 1998, and the BYOS Clean Network Council established in 2008.

Began offering the “My Future Discovery Program” career education program
This program gives students an opportunity to learn about companies and work, and to think about one's own future. It is primarily targeted at junior high school students. In addition to providing learning materials, the program consists of on-site classes given by our employees, where students can learn about “what work is” and “what it means to work”, and also learn how their current studies are relevant to their futures.

Support for Recovery Following the Great East Japan Earthquake
In the immediate wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, which caused unprecedented damage in the Tohoku region, the company, our employees, and unions donated relief money and aid to the areas affected by the quake, and also donated a variety of our products to support the lives of those affected and to aid the organizations involved in recovery efforts. We are also implementing long-term initiatives for reconstruction, such as volunteer activities by employees in the affected areas and support for children through volunteer programs.

Launched the “Smiling for Sure 2021” reconstruction support project
This program was launched as a support initiative for children affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, utilizing the know-how of “Kid Witness News (KWN)”, a video production support program that we have been involved with for many years. This program is designed to use video production as a way to bring back smiles and energy to children in the affected areas. In addition to our efforts in the Tohoku region, we are also implementing the program in Kumamoto and other areas that have been severely affected by disasters.

Launched the Panasonic NPO Support Pro Bono Program
This program was launched in April 2011 as a social contribution activity to provide support to NPOs by utilizing our employees’ work skills and experience. It was created with the aim of assisting in strengthening the business development capabilities of NPOs that are working to solve social issues, and to help NPOs achieve even greater results by utilizing the skills and experience gained through the work of Panasonic Group employees to make them even more widely useful in society. It also has the aim of improving our employees’ global citizenship skills so that they can think and act as citizens toward solving global issues by participating in and gaining awareness of on-site efforts to solve social problems. Our support primarily goes to organizations subsidized by the Panasonic NPO Support Fund.

Launched the Panasonic Innovation Volunteer Team (PIVoT) (until 2019)
This pro bono program provided support for NGOs operating in emerging countries. Employees would serve as volunteers, taking “Challenge Leave” or other types of extended leave from work, working together with NGOs and social enterprises in their destination countries to solve the various issues they face. We also conducted “BOP Issue Resolution Workshops” for employees to understand the issues faced by low-income groups, or those at the “base of the economic pyramid (BOP)”, in emerging and developing countries, and allow them to contribute to sustainable development through our business activities. Staff of NGOs working on various issues in the field on a daily basis were invited as lecturers to discuss local issues and needs that were difficult to grasp in Japan, as well as practical approaches to solving problems and making proposals. In 2013, its name was changed to “Panasonic Innovation Workshop”. (Ceased activity in 2019)

Launched the 100 Thousand Solar Lanterns Project (until 2018)
This project started in February 2013 with the donation of 3,000 solar lanterns to Myanmar as a corporate citizenship initiative with the aim of helping solve various social issues in non-electrified areas in emerging and developing countries by utilizing our technologies and products. Having been convinced of the effectiveness of solar lanterns based on our experience of donating them in Tanzania (April 2011) and Cambodia (March 2012), we re-launched the project with a new implementation period of FY2012 to FY2018, with the goal of donating a total of 100,000 lanterns in that period. Donation recipients include NPOs and NGOs, humanitarian organizations, social enterprises, and international organizations. Our aim in promoting this project is to contribute to achieving the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Support for WWF Japan’s “Environmentally Conscious Aquaculture Restoration in Minami-Sanriku”
This program provides assistance with the restoration of the oyster farming industry at the Tokura Branch of the Shizugawa Chapter of the Miyagi Prefectural Fisheries Cooperative Association, which lost almost all of its aquaculture facilities in the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. The program aims to improve overcrowded aquaculture, which was an issue before the earthquake, and to make production more environmentally friendly for the seas there. In March 2016, the Tokura Oyster Production Group became the first producer in Japan to receive ASC certification (for Pacific oysters).

Tokyo 2020-authorized “Learning Support for the Olympic and Paralympic Games” program launched (until 2021)
In the runup to the Tokyo 2020 Games, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education held discussions on education relating to the Olympics and Paralympics, and “Active Learning Camp”, Japan’s first exhibition facility for Olympic and Paralympic education, was opened in the comprehensive information and communications hub that is Panasonic Center Tokyo. In addition, we also launched the “Olympic and Paralympic-themed Educational Program*” for junior high and high schools, which aims to develop 21st century skills. (*Educational activities using this program were also implemented for the 2016 Games in Rio (Brazil) and the 2022 Games in Beijing (China).

Launched “Social Good Meetup” employee workshops on social issues
In order to increase employees’ awareness of social issues and their motivation to solve them, we provide open learning opportunities that expose employees to social issues by inviting a diverse range of guest lecturers.

Launched the Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Fund for SDGs
Revised the scope of the NPO Support Fund and launched the “Panasonic NPO/NGO Support Fund for SDGs” to support the strengthening of organizational foundations of NPOs and NGOs working to alleviate poverty in Japan and abroad

First company in Japan to provide sustainable seafood at corporate cafeterias
In collaboration with WWF Japan, we became the first company in Japan to regularly use seafood from certified sustainable fisheries and aquaculture facilities (ASC, MSC) in its corporate cafeterias. Through this initiative, we aim to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal No. 14, “Life below water”, by changing consumer behavior through increased awareness of sustainable seafood.

Launched the 100th anniversary projects “Bringing Light to People” and “Solutions for Regions without Electricity” (present-day “LIGHT UP THE FUTURE”)
As successors to the 100 Thousand Solar Lanterns Project, “Bringing Light to People” is a program in which the general public and employees can participate by making donations, and in “Solutions for Regions without Electricity”, we work with NPOs and NGOs to provide electricity supply systems to areas without electricity and provide awareness and learning programs to help communities become self-reliant.

K. Matsushita Foundation launched
The Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation and the Matsushita Institute of Government and Management merged to create the new K. Matsushita Foundation.

“Courses for Training Disaster Volunteers” for employees launched
These courses were launched to help employees acquire the knowledge and skills to work as volunteers in preparation for frequent natural disasters. These courses teach participants information such as how to prepare for volunteering and basic knowledge of disaster volunteerism.