Support for Networking Support for Networking


On August 28, 2024, the first online alumni networking event for Indian scholars who completed the Panasonic Scholarship Asia program was held. Six alumni, awarded in 2018 and 2020, participated and shared their respective careers and experiences.
The alumni have built strong bonds through the certification ceremonies and continue to interact via social media.
Previously, connections were mainly within the same award year or alma mater, but participants expressed a desire for annual events like this to receive valuable advice from senior alumni.
Many attendees voicedexpressed their gratitude for the scholarship program, particularly appreciating the swift certification process and the strong alumni network.
Additionally, participants deepened their understanding of Panasonic's CSR activities, noting a positive change in their perception of the company. They especially valued the connections made through the scholarship, anticipating benefits for their future careers.
The event proceeded in a lively atmosphere with the participation of the India office. Despite some communication issues, meaningful conversations were successfully conducted.


During this fiscal year, exchange meetings were held in the Philippines and Cambodia. In the Philippines, a "Homecoming Ceremony" was organized, where alumni gathered to reminisce about their scholarship days, and employment support was also provided. In Cambodia, a total of 22 alumni, including online participants, expressed their gratitude for the support received during their studies and professional endeavors.
Additionally, alumni participated in certification ceremonies in various countries. In Vietnam, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Trung shared that the experiences gained through the scholarship have significantly influenced his efforts in addressing environmental issues. In Malaysia, Mr. Muzafar Bin Mohd Yusoff mentioned that his experiences abroad contributed to his personal growth. In Cambodia, Mr. Soksan Devid emphasized the importance of believing in one's abilities and taking on challenges, stating that the Panasonic Scholarship has been a supportive foundation in this regard.
The activities and potential of Panasonic Scholarship Asia will continue to expand in the future.

In February 2024, an online alumni networking event for Panasonic Scholarship Asia was held, with 34 alumni participating from 13 countries. The participants are active in various fields, including telecommunications, IT, human resources education, AI-related companies, universities, and government agencies. During the event, participants provided updates organized by their certification years, sharing their recent activities. Mr. Mao, certified in 1998, founded a patent office in Shanghai and serves as an advisor to Panasonic's Intellectual Property Center. Ms. Jin, certified in 2000, supports medical research at a university in Kanagawa. Mr. Binh, certified in 2005, is engaged in AI research in Scotland. Ms. Chua, certified in 2012, is seeking a career transition into sustainability-related work. In the closing remarks, Mr. Muzafar from Malaysia emphasized the importance of future challenges and maintaining connections. This networking event facilitated information exchange and career support, deepening connections among participants across countries and generations.