Sergey Braitsev
Organizing Committee for the Olympic Winter Games Sochi 2014
John Ryder
Worldwide Olympic Games Marketing Office
Panasonic Corporation
Dmitry Moskalev
Panasonic Russia
Shaun Heng
Panasonic Systems Asia Pacific
Team Leader
Hernan Poblete
SUPERVISION (Rental Company)
Chief Executive Officer
Mike Chesterton
Project Leader
With the largest number of participating countries in the history of the Olympic Winter Games, Sochi 2014 ended on a high note. It was also said to have had the highest development cost of any past Games. The high cost was largely due to Russia’s intent to build out their regional infrastructure and national prestige.
Of the newly-constructed facilities in Sochi, the competition venues in particular required audio visual equipment to rally spectators with exciting venue production. Panasonic, with its proven track record supplying AV solutions for the Olympic Games, installed LED Large-Screen Displays with a total surface area of 1,727 m2, the largest ever for the Olympic Winter Games. The displays provided vivid visuals and helped enhance Sochi 2014.
Tackling the Complex Installation of Specialized Large-Screen Display Systems
The Bolshoi Ice Dome, the main ice hockey rink, presented the biggest challenge during the installation of large-screen display systems. This large stadium with a maximum capacity of 12,000 had been planned as a multipurpose entertainment venue for concerts and events. Panasonic Systems Asia Pacific’s Shaun Heng, who supervised the installation and adjustment of the LED Large-Screen Display Systems, explained, “There were two special screens to note during the complex installation at this venue.
The first hung from the center of the stadium. It was a cubic screen, seamless and visible from 360 degrees at all times. The other screen was a thin, gapless, ribbon-shaped band that wrapped nearly the entire perimeter of the stadium.”
Panasonic undertook not only the delivery of these specialized screens but also the installation, adjustment, and management, to provide a turnkey solution. Because the complex installation posed such an extraordinary challenge, its completion became a valuable asset and a boost of confidence to Panasonic.
Overcoming Challenges with Technological Advancement, Experience, and Teamwork
LED Large-Screen Displays that furnished the Olympic Games venues required installation and operation under various indoor and outdoor conditions. Safe equipment operation and delivery of balanced products best-suited to these various conditions were the products of Panasonic’s experiences.
John Ryder, Panasonic’s Project Manager, commented that the intense workflow could not have been completed without the cooperation of staff. New challenges are sure to present themselves at future Olympic Games. But it is Panasonic’s mission to overcome them and keep proposing the best possible technological solutions, while further refining our technology and teamwork.