Panasonic Leadership Principles

A set of behavioral guidelines for each and every employee to follow in their efforts to put the Basic Business Philosophy into practice.

As individuals brought together by the Panasonic Group, regardless of whether or not we are managers responsible for a team, each of us shall provide leadership and contribute to efforts to use the collective wisdom of all individuals toward the realization of an ideal society with richness both in matter and mind.
To this end, we will continuously review and improve the Panasonic Leadership Principles that serve as our guidance for acting accordingly every day throughout the Panasonic Group.

Customer Focus

We shall always think from a customer’s perspective.
In order to keep customers happy, we will deeply understand the potential problems that they have yet to identify, look ahead to their ideal future, and continue to take actions that far exceed their expectations.

Drives Vision

Without being bound by the status quo, we shall boldly envision our ideal future beyond the imagination of others around us.
Even if it seems difficult, we will never give up and work toward the achievement of an ideal future while exploring all the possibilities.

Builds Trust

With the awareness that we are members of society, we will gain trust by acting in good faith without arrogance.
We shall not neglect even the smallest details and always do what is right for society in mind.
Moreover, we will humbly learn from all affiliates, cooperate with them, and enhance each other through respectful dialogue, aiming to achieve social progress.

Strategic Thinking and Behavior

We shall detect signs of change without being preoccupied with the matters at hand, thereby seeing the big picture of society and thinking flexibly.
We will not make rash decisions or take a short-sighted approach such as thinking about actions to be taken based on the status quo, and will always promote and practice mid-to long-term thinking.
We will open up new business opportunities by always taking interest in social and technological progress and by evaluating and honing our skills, which will serve as our strengths in an endeavor to keep ahead of changes.

Best Work Processes

Without being satisfied with the status quo, we shall promote the visible measurement of productivity in all situations, thoroughly pursue such an effort, and achieve results, which will always make us proud that our work offers the world's best quality.
To this end, we will consider the status quo as a decline and continue to boldly improve any unsatisfactory work processes without hesitation.


No matter how menial our tasks may seem, we will be aware that we are the managers of our own jobs and act accordingly.
We will find meaning in each task and never say, "That's not my job."
We will continue to act with a sense of autonomy for our happiness and that of the organization as well as the well-being of all individuals concerned.


We will not depend on our current capabilities and experience, but will continue to expand our horizons, learn, and change.
Instead of being bound by convention and making excuses about why we cannot pursue these objectives, we will explore ways to achieve them. We will become challengers rather than bystanders or critics and support the challenges of others around us.

Harmonizes Wisdom

In order to create more wisdom, we shall listen to other parties' opinions with an open mind and say what needs to be said with respect for them.
We will promote rapid and optimal decision-making without fear of disagreement with others.

Welcomes Uniqueness and Differences

We shall consider differences as strengths, and welcome diversity and use it to our advantage to create new value.
We will become aware of our preconceptions and biased views and promote fair decision-making independent of such ways of thinking.

People First

We shall explore and achieve an ideal state through daily practice and humble reflection. We will not force our opinions and methods on team members, but believe in their potential and fully trust them to do a job.
When performing tasks, we will make it a top priority to ensure the health and safety of ourselves and team members. We will look after and help each other to establish a pleasant work environment for all team members.

Drives Results

We shall be keenly aware of our roles and missions, and always confirm the goal to be achieved and the degree to which we have realized it.
We will never overlook our behavior when it runs counter to our achievement. No matter how difficult the challenge we face, we will fearlessly take prompt action to ensure the achievement of results.