1.Acting in our company’s interest
In our role as a “public entity of society”, we must contribute to society by engaging in activities that make the best use of the managerial resources entrusted to us, including human resources, capital, land, and materials to maximize the value we create through our business activities. We should never misuse the company’s assets to benefit others in an improper manner or to pursue a personal interest.
Our Commitment
- We have established internal rules for the prevention, identification, and management of potential or actual conflicts of interest, and ensure that such rules are known and complied with.
My Commitment
- I comply with applicable internal rules on prevention of Conflicts of Interest and the appearance of Conflicts of Interest. I understand that “Conflicts of interest” may arise in any situation in which my personal interests or personal activities, or those of my family and close friends, directly or indirectly conflict with the interests of the Panasonic Group. A conflict may arise where these personal interests affect my Panasonic business decisions or actions, my ability to perform my work duties at Panasonic, or my loyalty to Panasonic. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest may create risk or undermine trust in Panasonic and be considered as “Conflict of interest”.
- I do not conduct any Panasonic business or transaction with any party in which I or my family members have a financial interest which is reportable under applicable internal rules without first disclosing this information to my supervisor or manager.
- I do not accept any gift, gratuity, payment, service or other item of value from any supplier, customer, business partner or competitor unless permitted under the internal rules which apply to me.
- During my Panasonic working hours, I devote my best efforts and full-time performance to my work for Panasonic and not to any other business.
- I do not use or disclose to any third party any Panasonic non-public information for any purpose other than as necessary to perform my Panasonic work duties.
- I follow the procedures under applicable internal rules to disclose promptly any actual or potential conflict of interest, and any appearance of a conflict of interest, sharing all relevant information.
- 【For leaders】I review all relevant facts regarding a disclosed conflict before approving or rejecting it and consider appropriate measures to minimize the risks to Panasonic arising from the conflict.
2.Communicating externally
Providing accurate and truthful information when communicating with people and parties outside Panasonic is a prerequisite to earning trust from suppliers, customers, business partners and society, and is essential for protecting and enhancing our brand value.
Our Commitment
- We provide fair and accurate information regarding our products, services and technologies through our corporate communications, public announcements and advertising, with the aim of better informing our customers and other stakeholders and enhancing the value of our brand. We communicate openly about our Basic Business Philosophy.
- We continually listen to and learn from customers and society as a whole. We reflect the feedback we receive in our business activities.
- We base our corporate communications on accurate facts. Our corporate communications respect diversity, do not discriminate against any social group, defame or undermine the personal dignity of any person. We communicate clearly in accordance with this Code and adhere to a culture of integrity and transparency.
My Commitment
- I comply with applicable Global Policies relating to brand and communications in order to optimize the relationship between our company and its stakeholders.
- I only contact or respond to inquiries from the media on behalf of Panasonic if I am authorized by Panasonic to handle media contact or media relations.
- When speaking publicly, I only share information regarding Panasonic and our suppliers, customers and business partners that is non-confidential and public knowledge, or information which I have been authorized and instructed to release on behalf of our company.
- I remain aware and mindful of where I make statements which may be perceived to be on behalf of Panasonic and I take steps to ensure that my statements are truthful, appropriate and fit our brand value.
- I understand that the information and opinions I share, including messages posted through my personal social media, may be considered those of Panasonic and may have an impact on Panasonic and its brand. I only post on social media on behalf of Panasonic if I have been appointed to this role by the company.
- I do my best to ensure that my comments do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. I make sure that my comments do not violate applicable internal rules regarding information security.
- I respect the opinions, identities and privacy of others in my public communications and comments.

3.Protecting and using our company assets
It is our responsibility to make the best use of the assets and resources entrusted to us by society and to maximize the value we create through our business activities, for the benefit of society. Protecting and using our assets, including financial assets, real estate, equipment, intellectual property, business information and brands is an essential pre-condition to Panasonic acting as a “public entity of society” in line with our founder, Konosuke Matsushita’s vision. It is vitally important that each of us takes this responsibility seriously.
Our Commitment
1.Protection and use of assets
- We implement rules and procedures to acquire, protect and use Panasonic assets effectively (including information, intellectual property, and brands) in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and to maximize business growth and corporate value.
- We respect the assets (including information, intellectual property, and brands) of our business partners and other third-parties.
2.Information Security
- We understand that information security needs evolve rapidly. We adapt to ongoing changes and regularly update our internal rules.
- We protect our own information, as well as the information of others in our possession, against the threat of cyber-attacks.
- We maintain internal rules and guidelines that protect the unique identity and continuity of our brand which represents our values and forms our bond with society.
- We do not allow third parties to use our company brand unless there is a special reason justifying such use.
My Commitment
1.Protection and use of assets
- I only use our company's assets (including information, intellectual property, and brands) in accordance with applicable internal rules and only for the proper conduct of business. I do not commit any act that damages the value of our assets, such as theft or unauthorized use. I use my best efforts to protect our company’s assets from loss.
- I use other party’s assets only to the extent permitted and only for the proper conduct of business.
- I create, acquire and protect Panasonic’s intellectual property (including data) and make strategic use of it in accordance with applicable internal rules.
- I respect others’ rights over their own intellectual property and do my best not to infringe such intellectual property.
2.Information Security
- I recognize that management strategy information, technical information, personal information and other Panasonic business information are important assets of our company. I handle and dispose of this information carefully and in accordance with applicable internal rules to protect it from unauthorized access, falsification, and leakage.
- I carefully consider whether I need to receive information from third parties. When I do receive third party information, I take at least the same measures to protect confidentiality and prevent leakage as for Panasonic information.
- I do not disclose or share with others any non-public information I receive through my work without permission.
- When I leave my employment with Panasonic I will return any Panasonic and third party non-public information which I received in carrying out my role at Panasonic and I will not subsequently disclose or use it.
- I use our brand in accordance with applicable internal rules.
- I display our brand in a respectful manner in the company’s communication activities.
4.Keeping and disclosing company information
Panasonic Group securities are listed on stock exchanges in several countries, including in Japan. Investors and regulators expect to receive timely, accurate disclosures of information about our business activities. Our business partners rely on the financial and other information we choose to share when agreeing to do business with us. Our leaders make decisions on our business strategy based on the internal reports and data we maintain. To maintain trust and to conduct our business responsibly with the resources entrusted to us by society, it is important that we do not mislead anyone with the information we maintain and disclose.
Our Commitment
- Our accounting practices comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as generally accepted accounting principles and are always based on the principle of fairness and honesty. We prepare accurate financial records reflecting our company's operating results and financial position. As a “public entity of society”, we also properly disclose our operating results and financial information to customers, shareholders, investors, Panasonic members, and other stakeholders.
- We establish and maintain internal controls to ensure trust and confidence in the financial reporting of the entire Panasonic Group and to ensure the timely and proper disclosure of corporate information, including financial information.
- We disclose information in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and additionally as we deem necessary, such as information relating to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). We follow appropriate internal control procedures to ensure that the information we disclose is fair, accurate, and adequate.
- We establish and maintain internal rules to ensure that documents and information are recorded, stored, and disposed of appropriately.
- We are a highly transparent company, humbly listening to our customers’ assessments and requests, which we endeavor to incorporate into our business activities.
- We pay taxes in countries and regions around the world as properly assessed on our business activities.
My Commitment
- I never engage in improper conduct such as fraud or falsification of business performance results, regulatory filings submissions to government organizations and other internal and external reports. I perform my work, including all transactions in compliance with the approved internal procedures.
- I do not engage in conduct or procedures that violate internal rules for the purpose of achieving financial targets or business results including sales and profit targets.
- I handle all expense claims, including claims for business trips, gifts and entertainment properly in accordance with the applicable internal rules.