Human Resources and Organizations
Expansion of IP business makes HR and Organizations changed
Expansion of IP business
makes HR and
Organizations changed
The Intellectual Property Department has mainly dealt with industrial property rights such as patents, though recently we are expanding our scope of business to the intangible properties such as ideas, designs, brands, know-how, and data.
Supporting the expansion of IP business, furthermore, we are working to strengthen human resources and organizations to actively expand our IP business.
Organization of the Panasonic Group IP Division
The Intellectual Property Sector has established Panasonic Intellectual Property Management Co., Ltd. as an affiliated company, which consolidates and commercializes intellectual property-related operations within the Panasonic Group.
Specifically, we consolidate intellectual property-related operations at home and abroad, including research, applications, licensing, maintenance, and administration, and negotiations related to licensing, transfer, acquisition, etc. and contribute to the creation of new businesses and enhancement of existing businesses by fulfilling our roles with high degree of professionalism.
Furthermore, we facilitate the development of professional human resources by accumulating and sharing highly advanced know-how related to intra-corporate intellectual property operations.
* Panasonic Holdings Corporation (“PHD”) has formed a strategic joint partnership with the Apollo Group in the business of Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. (“PAS”). As a result, PAS is no longer a consolidated subsidiary of PHD, and Star Japan Holdings (including PAS as a sub-subsidiary) has become an equity-method affiliate of PHD. For more information, please refer to the following news release.