Sales and finance companies established
Rebuilding the company's sales network
Matsushita's call to rebuild the company in 1950 sparked a flurry of activity. The company bolstered its sales, engineering and manufacturing capabilities to prepare for a period of expansion.
In 1950, the company opened a limited number of sales companies, reorganizing its Head Office sales staff and establishing additional sales offices the following year. Sales companies grew in number, and by 1959 had developed into a nationwide network.
Beginning in 1951, the company also set up finance companies for handling radio sales. Later their activities were broadened to include other major products.
In September 1951, Japan signed a peace treaty with 48 other nations at the San Francisco Peace Conference. It also signed the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. Japan had returned to the community of nations, and was directing its national policies toward establishing an autonomous economy.
Commercial radio broadcasts also began in September 1951, and by August 1952, more than 10 million people had subscribed to receive the broadcasts. In February 1953, NHK Tokyo began television broadcasts, and commercial stations followed suit in August.
Panasonic demonstrated its television receiver, which was scheduled for release in December, at a household appliance exhibition at the Ueno Matsuzakaya Department Store, Tokyo, in October 1952. In January 1953, the company began a mobile exhibit of household electrical appliances led by a special television car that traveled throughout the country to introduce consumers to the wonders of the new technology. The exhibit proved highly popular.
The period of brisk economic activity beginning in the second half of 1950 started to fade toward the end of 1953. Demand fell off in 1954 as the economy grew sluggish, and competition increased as heavy electrical manufacturers began entering the consumer market.