On September 13, 2011, Panasonic started "Smiling for Sure 2021" as a video-making assistance program for children still in evacuation life after the Great East Japan Earthquake. This program has been created using the know-how of "Kid Witness News," a video-making assistance program that Panasonic has promoted over the years. Its aim is to encourage children in disaster-stricken areas through a video-making project and bring back their smiley faces and enthusiasm. In the program, children make two video messages titled "What I Want to Say" and "Messages for Us in 2021."
At each school that conducts the program, a screening of "What I Want to Say" video messages is held for the children who created them, teachers, parents, and people from the local community.
"Messages for Us in 2021" are then saved in an SD card, and it is placed in a time capsule and presented to the school. This idea was generated, hoping that children will come back and watch these videos together again ten years from now.
"What I Want to Say - Messages from Children in Tohoku" created by children are available for viewing. We hope that many people take a look at them.
Digest version of the footage presented at the 24th Tokyo International Film Festival
Smiling for Sure 2021 - "What I Want to Say"
Participating Schools
* Videos are in Japanese.