Primary category (December 4)
Participating Schools:
School of Thinking (Brazil)*
Morimura Gakuen Elementary School (Japan)
Seksyen 9 Primary School (Malaysia)
Vietnam Primary Team (Vietnam)
*joined via a recorded video due to time difference

The Summit opened with an icebreaker where the kids introduced themselves through pictures. We saw pictures of their schools, school uniforms, school lunches, as well as famous places in their countries. The kids were able to introduce themselves while learning about the culture and places of other participants. The icebreaker surely achieved its purpose to make the kids comfortable and confident during the event.
Animated Video Workshop

Professor Yuichi Ito, clay animator and professor at the Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts, shared his knowledge in a special video creation workshop. The kids then made their own videos using waste materials based on the theme, "Pass the SDGs Baton!" They said it was challenging because it was their first time to make an animation, but they surprised everyone with their well-made videos (YouTube).

Discussion about SDGs Through the Entry Videos

The kids first had a quick quiz where they had an exciting time learning about the SDGs. Then they had a lively discussion on how they can contribute to building a better future, and about various SDGs-related social issues presented in the videos they prepared. Seksyen 9 Primary School (Malaysia) shared that the changes in their lifestyle caused by COVID-19 and how they tried to adapt to the new normal inspired them to make their video. Morimura Gakuen Elementary School (Japan) expressed a message that even kids can also help in supporting the local industries, such as the flower growers, affected by the pandemic. Meanwhile, School of Thinking (Brazil) showed the struggles of a kid with hearing disability at school and how kids can help each other.
This year, via the Supportive Participation Program, kids who were not able to join the Summit were able to share their ideas on how to achieve the SDGs through videos. They indirectly livened up the discussion.

Announcement of Winning Entries

Video entries for this year's Summit were all heart-warming and full of learning. Morimura Gakuen Elementary School (Japan) was selected by the kids who joined the Summit to win the KWN Kids Award, while Seksyen 9 Primary School (Malaysia) won the first KWN Fans Award after receiving the most votes from online fans.
Before closing the program, representative student from Japan left a message, "There is a limit to what children can do and the power of each one is very small. But if everyone works together, we will have big impact in the achievement of the SDGs."