I Am the Cause

If something is not going well, or showing no results, we try to find the cause. Do we, then, try to find the cause in things other than ourselves? That can be necessary, but it would be rare to find we are totally exempt from the cause. First, let’s think, “I am to be blamed,” and ponder our involvement in the cause. Self-reflection is something to be taken seriously.

By Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic


I Am the Cause

If something is not going well, or showing no results, we try to find the cause. Do we, then, try to find the cause in things other than ourselves? That can be necessary, but it would be rare to find we are totally exempt from the cause. First, let’s think, “I am to be blamed,” and ponder our involvement in the cause. Self-reflection is something to be taken seriously.

By Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic