The Future Vision Program of the Design-Driven Management Project starts with each business unit raising its perspective on its current business. From there, STEP 1: Learn about the future and expand horizons using information based on long-term social change and technological evolution. STEP 2: Redefine the purpose and significance of the business. STEP 3: Consider how to move from the current position to the target and future state of business and clarify the means to achieving this. STEP4: Take all these factors into consideration and determine the future that is to be realized.
One of the keys to the Design-Driven Management Project is to articulate the long-term goals of the business division at an appropriate level of specificity. The goals required in business management have different levels of specificity depending on their nature. For example, a corporate purpose statement, which broadly expresses the company's raison d'être to all employees, is often highly abstract and difficult to translate into specific actions. On the other hand, sales targets for particular products, for example, can easily lead to day-to-day task management and greater success, but they entail the risk of making us lose sight of our raison d'être and long-term objectives.
We are committed to contributing to society so that we can achieve the future we envision, even in rapidly changing times. To this end, it is important to set long-term goals with an appropriate level of specificity that encourage behavioral changes among employees and serve as decision-making criteria.