Group-wide Systems to Manage Environmental Risks
As a tool to continuously reduce environmental risks, Panasonic Group has established an Environmental Risk Management System specific to each operating company. In accordance with the basic risk management policy for all Panasonic group operating companies, we promote identification of environmental risks and group-wide risk management each year, and ensuring quick responses to reported environmental risks.
To identify environmental risks and implement the management system, environmental risks are identified for each operating company and for each region in the world each year. From these risks, environmental risks on a Panasonic group-wide level are selected. The risks that show a high level of frequency or seriously impact business management are designated as major risks and prioritized in planning and executing risk reducing measures. These measures are implemented for each major risk, and progress is monitored and followed up on a quarterly basis in the PDCA cycle.
When an environmental risk is found, the relevant operating company, related job functions, and local companies collaborate to promptly implement emergency measures and recurrence prevention measures adapted to the risk level. Also, the management flow in case of risk discovery is standardized to prevent the occurrence of secondary risks as a result of confusion.
Classification of Environmental Risks and Countermeasure Implementation

Environmental Compliance Management at Factories
Panasonic Group manages environmental systems in full compliance with laws and regulations.
We regularly measure emissions of gas, wastewater, noise, odor, etc., and introduce preventative measures for cases that may lead to serious violations. Furthermore, key human resources are developed for information sharing among the operating companies/business divisions, environment-related job functions, and local companies, to ensure exhaustive compliance with legislation related to factory environment management in respective countries where our manufacturing sites are located. Specifically, activities to share information as well as specialized training are conducted for factory management officers in charge of the management of chemical substances, waste, wastewater, and exhaust gas, either by country or by region in Japan, Europe, China, and Southeast Asia. Field surveys on laws and regulations using checklists were conducted on a global scale to confirm comprehensive implementation of environmental compliance, and we also conducted verification of the effectiveness of various measures.
As a result of these measures, there were 4 violations of environment-related regulations across the world in fiscal 2024. In response to the violation, we promptly reported the violation to the authority, and at the same time, implemented measures against the causes to fulfill the criteria. We continue our efforts for thorough legal compliance and the prevention of any recurrence.
Case of Violations of Laws and Ordinances (e.g., excess of the standard legal level) in Fiscal 2024
Region | Environmental pollution | Other | Total | ||||
Air | Water quality |
Noise | Odor | Waste | Permission/ Approval |
Global (including Japan) |
2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
(Japan) | (0) | (0) | (0) | (0) | (0) | (0) | (0) |
Compliance with Environmental Regulations Relating to Products
We manage compliance with regulations relating to our products through a quality management system. Compliance with regulations is ensured with our Products Assessment System which incorporates environmental performance targets such as customer demands for environmental performance, the energy efficiency labeling program, and third-party certification systems, as well as evaluation of compliance with regulations on chemical substance management, energy efficiency, 3R, and recycling, to (1) set up overview for achieving targets at the product planning stage, (2) define concrete targets at the design planning stage, and confirm compliance at the design stage, (3) conduct interim assessment at the design completion stage, and (4) conduct final assessment at the mass production decision-making stage. In compliance with the RoHS regulations on 10 hazardous chemical substances, regular acceptance inspections are being conducted for purchased parts and goods and our suppliers are audited under our environmental quality assurance system. These are designed in cooperation with our suppliers to improve the management of chemical substances in our products. However, unfortunately, a violation related to the restricted substances in our products was found in fiscal 2024. The restricted substance content was derived from an upper stream supplier (a supplier in highertier) who has not directly contacted with Panasonic Group in the supply chain. Due to the difficulty of clearly understanding the state of quality control at suppliers in higher-tier, we believe strengthening the quality control system (audit system and training of the suppliers in higher-tier) at a supplier who directly contracted with the Group (Primary suppliers) is important to eliminate such violations. Therefore, our Quality, Environment, and Procurement Divisions will work to ensure further product compliance management and take recurrence measures, taking lead in collaboration with other relevant divisions for providing support to our primary suppliers.
Measures Against Soil and Groundwater Contamination and Air Pollution
In the latter half of the 1980s, soil and groundwater contamination due to chlorinated organic solvents was detected at some Panasonic group sites. In response, we have conducted anticontamination activities across the Group. Specifically in 1991 we created the Manual for Preventing Contamination of Soil and Groundwater and began conducting necessary surveys and measures. In 1995 we discontinued the use of chlorinated organic solvents, and in 1999 created Guidelines on the Prevention of Environmental Pollution to ensure there would be no recurrence of similar problems at our sites. In fiscal 2003 we began enhancing our surveys and measures to comply with relevant laws and regulations, including the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act, which was enforced in Japan in 2003, and in fiscal 2004 started implementing measures to place all our bases across the globe under management supervision with regard to soil and groundwater.
Specifically, we conduct onsite inspections and interviews at the bases, in addition to surveying their use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals. Furthermore, we implement surface soil surveys within the premises. For the sites where contamination was detected beyond the regulatory pollution standards, we conduct detailed borehole surveys to identify the boundaries of the contaminated areas and take remedial measures.
As a result of these efforts, we were able to place all our bases under management supervision in 2008. Furthermore, in fiscal 2011, the management supervision scheme was purposespecifically reorganized and reinforced to establish a new management supervision scheme.
With the highest priority given to preventing dispersion of pollution beyond our premises, this new scheme is implemented across all operating sites to further improve the level of measures against contamination.
Soil and Groundwater Risk Management Policy
Conditions subject to management supervision | Procedure |
Pollution dispersion prevention beyond
Panasonic premises |
1. Conduct historical surveys
2. Determine and install monitoring wells at the premises' borders 3. Analyze groundwater at the borders 4. Check possibility of pollution from external sources 5. Report to management department 6. Determine the external pollution dispersion prevention methods 7. Install the external pollution dispersion prevention methods 8. Install assessment wells 9. Begin assessments (monitoring) |
Thorough pollution source elimination | 10. Conduct brief status check
11-1. Horizontal direction detailed analysis 11-2. Vertical direction detailed analysis 12. Determine the magnitude of pollution 13. Discuss the areas and methods of purification 14. Conduct purification and install pollution dispersion prevention measures 15. Monitor pollution source (groundwater) after purification 16. Report purification completion to management department |
Soil and Groundwater Pollution Surveys and Remedial Measures for Fiscal 2024
Region | Number of sites that completed remedial measures | Number of sites currently taking remedial measures |
Global (including Japan) | 4 | 40 |
Japan | (4) | (35) |
In addition to the above, Panasonic Group is also working on responses to air pollution.
Besides the efforts making in factories as matters of course, we are working as a company to comply with the Act Concerning Special Measures for Total Emission Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides and Particulate Matter from Automobiles in Specified Areas (Act No. 70 of 1992), which regulates nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matters (PM) emitted from company cars owned and/or managed by Panasonic Group. The company cars owned and/or managed by Panasonic Group business sites in Japan are centrally managed on the group-wide vehicle management system.
Annually required reports are submitted through the vehicle management system. Also each business site undertakes thorough regular vehicle checkup and fuel economy management on these cars, as well as taking the initiative in reducing air pollution, such as by advising employees on eco-driving techniques and hosting related workshops, and promoting introducing hybrid cars.
Initiatives for PCB Pollution
Panasonic had manufactured equipment containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Japan, however discontinued the production in 1972. Since then, we have strictly managed its PCB wastes. As the Law concerning Special Measures for Promotion of Proper Treatment of PCB Wastes was enforced in July 2001, we have kept the PCB wastes in optimized storage, detoxified the wastes, and submitted their handling status to authority in compliance with the law. By the end of fiscal 2018, we registered 2,281 units such as transformers and capacitors using PCBs under the early registration scheme, and completed their detoxification by Japan Environmental Storage & Safety Corporation (JESCO) as our subcontracted PCB waste disposal operator. Additionally, from April 2023 to March 2024, we respectively consigned to detoxify and properly handle approx. 0.3 tons of stabilizers and other wastes contain a high PCB concentration to JESCO, and approx. 128.1 tons of low-concentration PCB wastes to a private incineration facilities certified by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment. We will continue to detoxify and properly handle PCB wastes by March 31, 2027, the regulatory deadline for completion of PCB waste detoxification.