Our mission is to create the Panasonic Group business of "tomorrow."
By integrating business, technology, and creativity to create the values demanded in the
future to come, we will realize ideal lifestyles and societies solving social issues globaly.
Our mission is to create the Panasonic Group business of "tomorrow."
By integrating business, technology, and creativity to create the values demanded in the
future to come, we will realize ideal lifestyles and societies solving social issues globaly.
The Panasonic Group’s R&D
R&D Outlook
We have specified eight core technologies and are enhancing of the technologies through collaboration across the Group.
R&D Activities
Toword a new stage, we train ourselves by various measures as well as conducting joint research activities with various universities and research institutions, and creating innovative new products and business models.
R&D Organization
We are advancing global-based R&D in optimal locations in Japan, North America, Europe, and Asia by implementing the R&D system operated by local talents and skills.
List of Conference Presentations
We actively disclose our R&D results and conducts activities to receive objective evaluation from public.
History of Technology
We introduce the history of our major technology-driven products.
Panasonic Holdings’ Corporate Technology Sector
Technology Future Vision
Discover our vision for the society of 2040 and the strategies to achieve it through "Technology Future Vision," created by the Corporate Technology Sector of Panasonic Holdings Corporation.
Generating Innovation through Cutting-edge Research and Development
Robotics Hub
Promote the R&D and commercialization of robot technology through open innovation.
Make use of AI technology to bring about innovation in mobility, business, and daily life.