
Panasonic Group 的目標是到 2050 年減少至少 3 億噸二氧化碳排放量1

2022 年 1 月,我們發布了中長期環境願景 Panasonic GREEN IMPACT (PGI),基於此一信念,包括氣候變遷在內的全球環境挑戰是我們集團所有業務需要優先考慮的最迫切全球問題。PGI 的製定目的在於聚集集團內部與社會為減少二氧化碳排放所做的努力(行動),與社會齊心協力,實現碳中和。

PGI 被歸類為 OWN IMPACT,表示我們在自身業務活動之中減少二氧化碳排放的責任;以及 CONTRIBUTION IMPACT 與 FUTURE IMPACT,表示我們對減少社會二氧化碳排放的貢獻;還有 +INFLUENCE,這代表透過上述措施及相關溝通,透過改變客戶與整個社會的行為,可能產生正面的連鎖反應,進而導致整個社會的能源轉型與脫碳。透過以上所有措施的結合,我們目標是到 2050 年減少二氧化碳排放量至少 3 億噸1,大約相當於目前全球二氧化碳排放量的 1%。

12020 年,與能源相關的二氧化碳排放量為 317 億噸(資料來源:IEA)

Conceptual diagram illustrating the expansion towards carbon neutrality from fiscal year 2021 to 2051. There is a large concentric circle with three layers on the right. The concentric circle on the right represents the impact of over 300 million tons of CO2 reduction by Panasonic GREEN IMPACT in fiscal year 2051. The concentric circle on the right is divided into OWN IMPACT, with the central circle representing it, CONTRIBUTION IMPACT with two layers, and FUTURE IMPACT with three layers. Additionally, there is a +INFLUENCE spreading outside the three concentric circles. OWN IMPACT aims for a reduction of 110 million tons of emissions, while CONTRIBUTION IMPACT and FUTURE IMPACT each aim for avoided emissions of 100 million tons.

透過我們的三大關鍵影響,我們正努力在 2050 年實現碳中和,減少並避免 3 億噸的排放。

Graph illustrating the process of reducing over 300 million tons of CO2 emissions by fiscal year 2051 through a combination of CO2 emission reductions and avoided emissions. In fiscal year 2021, there were reductions of 110 million tons and avoided emissions of 23.47 million tons. By fiscal year 2025, reductions of 16.34 million tons and avoided emissions of 38.3 million tons are targeted. By fiscal year 2031, reductions of 31.45 million tons and avoided emissions of 93 million tons are aimed for. Finally, by fiscal year 2051, reductions of 110 million tons and avoided emissions of 200 million tons are targeted.

我們為我們的業務、對社會的影響以及未來設定了雄心勃勃的目標,旨在將二氧化碳排放量減少至目前全球排放量的約 1%。​


透過 OWN IMPACT,我們將致力於自身價值鏈、業務活動,以及從原材料採購與製造到產品分銷、使用及處置整個過程,實現二氧化碳零排放。

我們的行動包括增加零二氧化碳工廠2的數量,以及開發節能家電。透過這些行動並結合社會脫碳3,我們目標是到 2050 年減少二氧化碳排放量約 1.1 億噸。

2基於 2020 年二氧化碳排放資料 — 顯示全球工廠生產實現二氧化碳淨零排放
3隨著各電力公司脫碳工作推進,電力 CO2 排放係數得到改善

Graph depicting the reduction of CO2 emissions to net zero and the expanding number of zero CO2 factories as a result of the initiative to aim for net zero CO2 emissions at all factories by 2030. CO2 emissions decrease steadily from 2020 to reach zero by 2030. In contrast, the number of zero CO2 factories, which was zero in 2020, increases steadily. By 2025, it exceeds 50, and by 2030, more than 100 factories, making all factories zero CO2.

我們致力於在 2030 年實現所有工廠的二氧化碳零排放。我們在脫碳方面已經取得了巨大進展。

Reducing CO2 Emissions in Factories - Environment - Sustainability



透過 CONTRIBUTION IMPACT,我們將在現有業務領域,透過提高汽車效能和成本效益,推動更廣泛地使用環保汽車。並使用電力的熱泵熱水器取代家庭與社區之中基於化石燃料的加熱系統。透過讓客戶採用我們的產品和服務,我們旨在減少他們的能源消耗,進而為減少二氧化碳排放做出貢獻。

在生活方式、基礎設施和機動性等領域,我們目標是到 2050 年為減少客戶與整個社會產生的至少 1 億噸二氧化碳排放量做出貢獻。在交通領域,向更有效率的電動車轉型是一項重要舉措。透過在環保汽車中廣泛採用汽車電池與充電器,我們將為減少客戶的二氧化碳排放做出貢獻。

Line graph illustrating the increasing contribution of automotive batteries to avoided emissions due to increased use of EVs. By 2031 emissions reduction is projected to increase to approximately 59 million tons, about five times the 2021 level of 15 million tons.

電動車電池幫助社會減少二氧化碳排放。隨著我們生產能力的提高,我們的 CONTRIBUTION IMPACT 也將隨之提高。

Latest report from North America: Panasonic's remarkable advancement in automotive batteries



透過 FUTURE IMPACT,我們將透過創造新技術或新業務為社會能源轉型做出貢獻,我們目標是到 2025 年避免至少1 億噸二氧化碳排放。透過加強和傳播目前正在開發的鈣鈦礦太陽能電池等先進環境技術,我們將為實現碳中和社會做出貢獻。

Image illustration


Photosynthesis-generated growth stimulating components— contributing to decarbonization and improving food productivity— Nikkei BP Future Beginnings article




Panasonic Holdings Uses COP28 Discussions, Exhibition, to Broaden Global Understanding of Avoided Emissions

Panasonic Holdings 利用 COP28 討論和展覽來拓展全球對避免排放的了解。

Logo of Panasonic ECO RELAY for Sustainable Earth and activity image photograph.

在我們的 ECO RELAY 倡議中, Panasonic 全球員工及其家屬積極參與環境保護根植於當地社區的活動。





藉由 Panasonic GREEN IMPACT,我們將為實現循環經濟做出貢獻,在產品生命週期內盡可能高效地利用資源,實現永續發展的社會 我們將持續維持工廠廢棄物回收率在 99% 以上,並將在 2023 財年至 2025 財年的三年內將再生樹脂的使用量增加至 9 萬噸,比 2020 財年至 2025 財年的數字增加約一倍。我們將拓展新的循環經濟型業務,使該類業務的累計數目在 2024 財年達到 13 個。

Line graph showing a recycling rate of about 99% of factory waste as impacted by the implementation of recycling-oriented manufacturing. The recycling rates for 2018 and 2019 were 99.1%. In 2020, it was 98.9%. In 2021, it was 98.7%. In 2022, it was 99%. In 2023, it was 99.1%. In 2024, it was 99.3%. Over the past six years, the recycling rate has been steady at over 99%.

我們目標是將全球廢棄物回收率始終保持在 99% 或以上,同時計畫實現工廠廢棄物的零排放。

Bar graph showing the usage of recycled resin. The cumulative trend of recycled resin usage is as follows: 16 kilotons in 2015, 34.7 kilotons in 2016, 50.6 kilotons in 2017, 64.9 kilotons in 2018, 79.4 kilotons in 2019, 92.8 kilotons in 2020, 108 kilotons in 2021, 122.7 kilotons in 2022, 135.1 kilotons in 2023, and 152.3 kilotons in 2024, showing a steady increase over time. Recycled resin is used in cover ducts for refrigerators and air conditioner filter frames. Also, some washing machines are made of approximately 40% recycled resin.

我們目標是在未來三年內將各個業務部門使用的再生樹脂量增加一倍,到 2025 年將累積 90,000 噸。

Bar graph illustrating the total number of circular economy businesses. The cumulative count of circular economy businesses reached 6 in FY2022, expanded to 10 in FY2023, and is projected to grow to 13 by FY2025.

到 2025 年,我們將在至少 13 個業務領域推出循環經濟商業模式和產品,優先考慮高效利用資源。

Scene of work at Panasonic Eco Technology Center.

Panasonic Eco Technology Center (PETEC),我們家電回收設施