Floor Guide

There are six areas on two floors. AkeruE brings together lots of works and devices to give shape to Eureka.

Second floor areas

Overall view of the 2nd floor


The earth is home to all kinds of living things. They live together in nature, interacting with each other. Let’s think about how we, including you, are interrelated and connected to each other.

Image:GAIA area


What kind of things would you like to make? Let’s use a variety of tools to give shape to our ideas. Let’s expand the possibilities of making things by making, testing, and experimenting.

Image:TECHNITO area


Children and adults, everyone is a creator here. Let's come together and interact. Let's create something new by mixing various ideas and thinking about them together.

Image:CHAOS area

Third floor areas

Overall view of the 3rd floor


Just like in technology and art, let’s mix and match seemingly completely different things. Let’s encounter mysterious works of art. Here, we can find hints for the question, “why?” Let’s explore various mechanisms while changing ours viewpoint. Let’s find your inspiration.

Image:ASTRO area


We have a question. But there is no single answer. In fact, you can freely create the answer. Let’s give shape to your answer. Let’s see everyone’s answer too. Finally, let’s take a look at all of the answers. What do you think you’ll find?

Image:COSMOS area


Turn your story into a video or animation. Share your ideas with various people and expand them further. Bring your ideas together. Find hints on how to share them with others.

Image:PHOTON area

Experiencing AkeruE

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Purchase tickets

You can book a visit to AkeruE by purchasing an online ticket. *Please be aware that entry without booking may not be granted, depending on the number of reservations on the day.

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Group bookings

If visiting as a group of 15 people or more, book in advance your date and time to visit here.

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Purchase tickets

You can book a visit to AkeruE by purchasing an online ticket. *Please be aware that entry without booking may not be granted, depending on the number of reservations on the day.

icon of tickets

Group bookings

If visiting as a group of 15 people or more, book in advance your date and time to visit here.