PMMAF conducts Mangrove Planting, Beach Clean-up Drive in Dubai, UAE

With participation from 64 employees and their families, coastal clean-up yields 175kg of debris while concurrent mangrove project gets 170 new saplings planted

Employees and their families who participated in the Panasonic Eco Relay for Sustainable Earth

Panasonic Marketing Middle East & Africa (PMMAF) conducted an employee CSR activity on February 25th 2023 to ramp up its corporate sustainability efforts with the recent conduct of Mangrove Kayaking & Planting and Beach Clean-up in Al Zorah Nature Reserve in Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Held to support Panasonic Green Impact initiative and Panasonic Eco Relay, the event wrapped up with 175kg debris removed from the coastal environment of the nature reserve, thus protecting marine and wildlife, while helping restore the pristine beauty of the emirate’s beaches. At the same time, a total of 170 mangrove trees were planted, this in support to the UAE government’s enhanced target to plant 100 million mangroves by 2030.

Employees cleaning up the beach

Mangrove planting

This initiave embodies PMMAF’s strong commitment to establish harmonious relationships between the people and their natural and social environments. With a long history of innovations from Panasonic that make the world a better place for everyone, PMMAF commits to deliver on this promise by taking direct actions that counteract the effects of climate change on the planet, and thus restore the hope of a fulfilling life for future generations.

PMMAF collaborated with a CSR activation agency for the Mangrove Kayaking & Planting and Beach Clean-up project. Around 64 PMMAF employees and their families took time out of their weekend to gather at the nature reserve of Al Zorah to collect trash from the beach and plant mangrove seedlings.

Group photo with mangrove seedings to be planted as Panasonic Eco Relay for Sustainable Earth