In China, environmental activities are being expanded in various regions by our company employees, their family members, and children. PAPRCHZ carried out activities to promote the SDGs, PWAPBLGZ carried out activities to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection, and PECSZ held a lecture at a primary schools.

■November 18, Panasonic Appliances Rice Cooker (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. (PAPRCHZ)
At PAPRCHZ, 43 employees and their families participated in the Fourth West Lake Walking Activity sponsored by the Hangzhou Japanese Commerce and Industry Club, and as Panasonic Environmental Protectors, they distributed leaflets about the SDGs to tourists as well as volunteers around West Lake and encouraged them to deepen their understanding of the SDGs. After completing the activities, they utilized social media to spread the word about their volunteer efforts.

■November 19, Panasonic Wanbao Appliances Beauty and Living (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (PWAPBLGZ)
110 employees of PWAPBLGZ and their families engaged in activities to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection by interacting with nature at Dafu Mountain in Panyu, Guangzhou. On the day of the activities, they took quizzes on tree growth and environmental protection to deepen their understanding of nature and environmental protection. After completing the activities, all participants also cleaned up the garbage that had been left behind.

■November 22, Panasonic Energy (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (PECSZ)
The Environmental Safety and Health Division of PECSZ gave a lecture on environmental protection to 47 fifth graders at the Primary School in Suzhou. In May, the primary school held a similar class for third and fourth graders, and because the lecture had been so well received, this latest class was the third time it had been conducted. The lecture explained the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) initiative using various data and examples.