EXPO ’70 time capsules created and buried
Time capsules were put together as part of our 50th anniversary commemorative project and exhibited in the Matsushita Pavilion at the Osaka World Expo, garnering a very positive reception. Created as an attempt to present an image of modern culture to humankind 5,000 years from that time, more than 2,000 items and records were placed in two capsules using the best preservation technology available at the time. They are buried in the upper and lower levels of Osaka Castle Park.
The one buried on the upper level was opened once in the year 2000, inspected, and then reburied. It will be opened once every hundred years at the start of each century hereafter. The other capsule is to remain completely untouched and opened 5,000 years from the time of its burial in the year 6970.

Donation of “Social Welfare Measures Fund” to commemorate our 55th anniversary
In 1973, to commemorate the 55th anniversary of Matsushita Electric’s founding, a total of 5 billion yen was donated to prefectures and 9 ordinance-designated cities throughout Japan to be used for the improvement and expansion of social welfare facilities and for the well-being of people who use these social welfare services. As a result of these efforts, social welfare funds were established and welfare centers were constructed in each prefecture, providing great encouragement and support to people who utilize social welfare facilities, including those with physical disabilities as well as bedridden elderly people.

Support for the establishment of a factory for persons with severe physical disabilities (Kotonoura Rehabilitation Center Welfare Factory, Wakayama Prefecture)
In 1973, with the aim of providing a workplace for persons with severe disabilities who find it difficult to be employed by a general company, and helping them become socially and economically independent, a welfare factory was established, under medical supervision, at Kotonoura Rehabilitation Center in Wakayama Prefecture.

The Matsushita Foundation for Audiovisual Education and Research established (present-day Panasonic Education Foundation)
In 1973, we established the Matsushita Foundation for Audiovisual Education and Research with the main purpose of promoting and disseminating audiovisual education. Following the change to its current name in 2008, the foundation now supports the use of ICT in schools and gives awards to organizations for “activities that nurture the spirit of children”.

Matsushita Professorship established at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
We donated an endowment to the American university Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for medical electronics, and announced the establishment of the Matsushita Professorship.

Provided support for the establishment of the Shinto Taikei Editorial Society (until 2008)
This society was established in 1977 to support a national project to academically compile ancient Shinto literature in an effort to discover the roots of Japanese spirituality. After 20 years of work, the 120-volume “Shinto Taikei” was released, a massive collection of literature that is greatly expected to be passed on to many people in future generations. The society ultimately disbanded in 2008.

Gobel Education Foundation “Management Training Center” established (Indonesia)
The Gobel Education Foundation was established in Indonesia with the aim of contributing to the country’s education and welfare.