- Yasuyoshi Asai, Tomohiro Ota, Takeshi Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hirata, "Proposed of Novel Linear Oscillating Actuator’s Structure Using Topology Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 53, Issue: 6, June 2017.
- T. Yamamoto, S. Matsuzawa, S. Ogawa, T. Ota, K Hirata, “Numerical Analysis of Behavior of High-Viscosity Electromagnetic Fluid Using a Coupled Method of Particle Method and FEM”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Volume: 52, issue: 3, 2016
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Kenta Mitsufuji, Yurika Miyake, Fumikazu Miyasaka, Katsuhiro Hirata, "Validation of Meshless Method Based on Weighted Least Square Method for Simulating Electromagnetic Levitation", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 52, No. 3, 7205204, March 2016.
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Kenta Mitsufuji, Yurika Miyake, Katsuhiro Hirata, Fumikazu Miyasaka, "Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Levitation Employing Meshless Method Based on Weighted Least Square Method", Journal for Manufacturing Science and Production. Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 29-34, March 2015.
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Gaku Yoshikawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Fumikazu Miyasaka, Yasuhiro Nakai, Masanori Tsuda and Yu Komemushi, "Coupled 3D-Analysis Employing FEM and Particle Method - Experimental Verification of Cold Crucible Induction Melting -", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 51, No. 3, 7203204, March 2015.
- YOSHIMOTO Takamichi, ASAI Yasuyoshi, HIRATA Katsuhiro, OTA Tomohiro, “Dynamic Characteristic Analysis and Experimental Verification of 2-DoF Resonant Actuator under Feedback Control”, 日本AEM学会誌, ISSN 0919-4452, The Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2015, Vol.23, No.3, pp.521-526
- Yoshimoto, T.; Asai, Y.; Hirata, K.; Ota, T., "Simplified Position Estimation Using Back-EMF for Two-DoF Linear Resonant Actuator," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.50, no.2, pp.961,964, Feb. 2014
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, and Tomohiro Ota, "Amplitude Control Method of Linear Resonant Actuator by Load Estimation From the Back-EMF", IEEE T Transaction on Magnetics, Vol.49, No.5, pp.2253-2256, 2013.05
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Takahiro Yoshimura, Gaku Yoshikawa, Fumikazu Miyasaka and Yu Okaue, "Numerical Analysis of Negative Ion by Electrostatic Atomization Employing FEM and MPS method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.49, No.5, pp.1733-1736, May 2013.
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Takahiro Yoshimura, Gaku Yoshikawa and Fumikazu Miyasaka, "Numerical Analysis of Cold Crucible Induction Melting Employing FEM and MPS method", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp.1921-1924, May 2013.
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, Tomohiro Ota, "3-D Finite Element Analysis of Linear Resonant Actuator under PID Control Using Back EMF", IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.1, No.2, pp.111-116, 2012.09
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, Tomohiro Ota, "Two-DOF Resonant Actuator Using Vector Control", IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications, Vol.1, No.2, pp.117-122, 2012.09
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata and Tomohiro Ota, “New Two-DOF Resonant Actuator Driven by Vevtor Control”, PRZEGL?D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 7b/2012
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Katsuhiro Hirata, Yasuyoshi Asai, Kenji Ueyama, Eiichiro Hashimoto and Takahiro Takagi, “Asymmetoric Acceleration Drive Using Linear Oscillatory Actuator under Open-Loop Control”, PRZEGL?D ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), ISSN 0033-2097, R. 88 NR 7b/2012
- Yoshimoto, T.; Asai, Y.; Hirata, K.; Ota, T., "Dynamic Characteristics of Novel Two-DOF Resonant Actuator by Vector Control," Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.11, pp.2985,2988, Nov. 2012
- Tomohiro Ota, Satoshi Suzuki, and Katsuhiro Hirata, “Dynamic Analysis Method of Repulsion Forces on Current-Carrying Contact Using 3-D FEM”, IEEE Trans. on Mag., VOL.47, No.5, pp.942-945 (2011)
- T. Miyatake and G. Pezzotti, “Tensor-resolved stress analysis in silicon MEMS device by polarized Raman spectroscopy”, Physica Status Solidi a, 208[5], 1151-1158 (2011).
- T. Miyatake and G. Pezzotti, “Validating Raman spectroscopic calibrations of phonon deformation potentials in silicon single-crystal : a comparison between ball-on-ring and micro-indentation methods”, Journal of Applied Physics, 110, 093511-1-13 (2011).
- A. A. Porporati, T. Miyatake, K. Schilcher, W. Zhu, G. Pezzotti, “Ball-on-ring test in ceramic materials revisited by means of fluorescence piezospectroscopy”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31[12], 2031-2036 (2011).
- 吉元崇倫,平田勝弘,浅井保至,上山健司,橋本栄一郎,高木貴弘,"薄型二自由度振動アクチュエータの動作特性解析と試作機による実験検証",電気学会論文誌,VOL.131, No.9, pp.1165-1170, 2011.9
- 浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,“リニア共振アクチュエータの逆起電圧検知によるPID制御”,日本AEM学会論文誌, VOL.19, No.1, pp.3-8, 2011.03
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, and Tomohiro Ota, "Dynamic Analysis Method of Linear Resonant Actuator With Multimovers Employing 3-D Finite Element Method", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, VOL.46, No.8, pp.2971-2974, 2010.08
- T. Miyatake, A. A. Porporati, and G. Pezzotti, “Spatially and tensor-resolved Raman analysis for the determination of phonon deformation potentials on the microscopic scale in Si single-crystal”, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 113514-1-8 (2009).
- Tomohiro. Ota, Yoshio. Mitsutake, Yasegawa. Hasegawa, Katsuhiro. Hirata and Toshimitsu. Tanaka, ”Dynamic Analysis of Electromagnetic Impact Drive Mechanism Using Eddy Current”, IEEE Trans. on Mag., VOL.43, No.4, pp.1421-1424 (2007)
- Tomohiro Ota, Katsuhiro Hirata, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Yoshihiro Kawase and Akiyoshi Nakase, “Dynamic Analysis Method for Multi-Motion using 3-D FEM”, IEEJ Trans. IA. on Mag., Vol.12, NO.4, pp.405-408 (2005)
- Tomohiro Ota, Katsuhiro Hirata, Tadashi Yamaguchi Yoshihiro Kawase and Koichi Shamoto, “Transient Analysis of Thermostatic Switch Using 3-D Finite Element Method”, IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.41, No.5, pp.1648-1651 (2005)
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- 太田智浩,他,“新世代アクチュエータの1自由度系の性能評価と多自由度系の評価に向けての機能性流体アクチュエータの全体からの位置付け”,平成26年度電気学会産業応用部門大会シンポジウム,リニアドライブ技術委員会主催(2014)
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- 太田智浩,“ワイヤレス電力伝送の安全性シミュレーション”,第14回EMCシンポジウムIIDA2013,公益財団法人 南信州・飯田産業センター主催(2013)
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- 太田 智浩,博士(工学)
- 宮武 岳洋,博士(工学)
- 浅井 保至,博士(工学)
- 吉元 崇倫,博士(工学)
- 松澤 周平,博士(工学)
- JSME認定計算力学技術者上級アナリスト(固体力学) 資格保有者:1名
- 浅井保至,太田智浩,吉元崇倫,平田勝弘,"トポロジー最適化によるリニア共振アクチュエータの高効率化",回転機・リニアドライブ合同研究会,LD-18-031,2018.7
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Tomohiro Ota, Takeshi Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hirata, "Proposed of Novel Linear Oscillating Actuator’s Structure Using Topology Optimization", 2016 IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC)
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Fumikazu Miyasaka, "3D Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Flow Employing Meshless Method Based on Weighted Least Square Method", Proceedings of 17th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), Miami, USA, November 2016.
- Takeshi Yamamoto, Shuhei Matsuzawa, Shinnosuke Ogawa, Tomohiro Ota, Katsuhiro Hirata,“Numerical Analysis of Behavior of High-viscosity Electromagnetic Fluid Using a Coupled Method of Particle Method and FEM”, Proceedings of IEEE COMPUMAG 2015, Montreal, CANADA, PD5-4, 2015.06
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Kenta Mitsufuji, Yurika Miyake, Fumikazu Miyasaka, Katsuhiro Hirata, "Validation of Meshless Method Based on Weighted Least Square Method for Simulating Electromagnetic Levitation", Proceedings of IEEE Compumag2015, PC2, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2015.
- Takeshi Yamamoto, Shuhei Matsuzawa, Shinnosuke Ogawa, and Katsuhiro Hirata, "Study on Deformation Analysis of High-Viscosity Electromagnetic Fluid Employing Combined Method", Proceedings of ISEM2015 (17th International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics), Awaji, Japan, PS1-41, 2015.09
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Kenta Mitsufuji, Yurika Miyake, Katsuhiro Hirata, Fumikazu Miyasaka, "Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Levitation Employing Meshless Method Based on Weighted Least Square Method", TMS2015 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Orlando, USA, March 2015.
- 山本竹志,松澤周平,小川伸之助,平田勝弘,太田智浩,“粒子法と有限要素法の連成による高粘性電磁流体現象の数値解析”,静止器・回転機合同研究会,RM-15-18,pp.77-80,2015.03
- Takeshi Yamamoto, Tomohiro Ota and Katsuhiro Hirata, “Foreign Object Detection with Sensing Magnetic Field Variation for Wireless Power Transfer”, Proceedings of CEFC2014(16th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), Annecy, France, PE1:20, 2014.05
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Gaku Yoshikawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Fumikazu Miyasaka, Yasuhiro Nakai, Masanori Tsuda and Yu Komemushi, " Coupled 3D-Analysis Employing FEM and Particle Method - Experimental Verification of Cold Crucible Induction Melting - ", Proceedings of 16th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), OB3-5, Annecy, France, May 2014.
- 山本竹志,太田智浩,平田勝弘,"磁界変化を用いたワイヤレス電力伝送の金属異物検知技術",電気学会静止器・回転機合同研究会,RM-14-24,pp.43-46,2014.01
- T. Yoshimoto, Y. Asai, K. Hirata and T. Ota, “Dynamic Characteristic Analysis and Experimental Verification of 2-DoF Resonant Actuator under Feedback Control”, Proceedings of APSAEM2014 (8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics), Taichung, Taiwan, pp-78-79, 2014.07
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, and Tomohiro Ota, "Amplitude Control Method of Linear Resonant Actuator by Load Estimation From the Back-EMF", IEEE T Transaction on Magnetics, Vol.49, No.5, pp.2253-2256, 2013.05
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, Tomohiro Ota, "Simplified Position Estimation Using Back-EMF for Two-DoF Linear Resonant Actuator", Proceedings of IEEE COMPUMAG 2013, Budapest, Hungary, PA6-8, 2013.07
- 吉元崇倫,浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,"二自由度共振アクチュエータの負荷印加時における動作特性の実験検証",電気学会リニアドライブ研究会,LD-13-102,pp.103-106,2013.10
- 吉元崇倫,浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,"二自由度共振アクチュエータの位置センサレス駆動に関する検討",回転機・リニアドライブ・家電・民生合同研究会,LD-12-60,pp.45-49,2012.08
- 吉元崇倫,浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,"二自由度共振アクチュエータの位置センサレス駆動時における振幅フィードバック制御",電気学会モータドライブ・リニアドライブ合同研究会,LD-12-88,pp.25-29,2012.12
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Takahiro Yoshimura, Gaku Yoshikawa and Fumikazu Miyasaka, " Simulation Model of Cold Crucible Induction Melting Employing FEM and MPS method ", Proceedings of 2nd Japanese-Sino Workshop on Welding Thermo-Physics, JSW-12, Osaka, Japan, November 2012.
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Takahiro Yoshimura, Gaku Yoshikawa and Fumikazu Miyasaka, "Numerical Analysis of Cold Crucible Induction Melting Employing FEM and MPS method", Proceedings of 15th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), MP3-11, Oita, Japan, November 2012.
- Shuhei Matsuzawa, Katsuhiro Hirata, Takahiro Yoshimura, Gaku Yoshikawa, Fumikazu Miyasaka and Yu Okaue, "Numerical Analysis of Negative Ion by Electrostatic Atomization Employing FEM and MPS method", Proceedings of 15th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), MP3-12, Oita, Japan, November 2012.
- T. Yoshimoto, Y.Asai, K.Hirata, T.Ota, "Dynamic Characterisitics of Novel Two-DOF Resonant Actuator Driven by Vector Control", Proceedings of IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Vancouver, AV-05, 2012.05
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Yoshinori Kono and Katsuhiro Hirata, "Asymmetric Acceleration Drive in Various Direction on the Plane Using 2-DOF Linear Oscillatory Actuator", Proceedings of 15th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), Oita, Japan, MP5-6, p.97, 2012.11
- Y. Asai, K. Hirata and T. Ota, "PID Feedback Control Method for Linear Resonant Actuator Using an Estimated External Load from the Back-EMF as a Target Voltage", Proceedings of International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drive, Automation and Motion, Sorent, Italy, FB4, pp.1547-1551, 2012.06
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata and Tomohiro Ota, "Amplitude Control Method of Linear Resonant Actuator by Load Estimation from the Back-EMF", Proceedings of 15th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), Oita, Japan, MP3-4, p.51, 2012.11
- 浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,"逆起電圧検知によるリニア共振アクチュエータの負荷推定法と振幅制御法の提案",マグネティックス・リニアドライブ合同研究会,LD-12-4,pp.17-21,2012.2
- Tomohiro Ota and Katsuhiro Hirata, “Plasma Analysis Method For Electrodeless Discharge Lamp Using 3-D FEM”, Proceedings of IEEE COMPUMAG 2011, Sydney, Australia, PA6.12, pp11-12 (2011)
- T. Namazu, H. Yamagiwa, T. Fujii, M. Saito, K. Yamada, T. Miyatake, “Size and Deformation Mode Dependencies on the Strength of Dry-Etched Single Crystal Silicon Micro-Beams”, 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2011), Aichi, JAPAN (2011).
- 宮武 岳洋, 齊藤 公昭, 山田 清高, “顕微ラマン分光法によるシリコンMEMSデバイスの残留応力定量化”, 日本実験力学会2011年度年次講演会 (2011).
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata, and Tomohiro Ota, “3-D Finite Element Analysis of Two-DOF Resonant Actuator under Vector Control”, Proceedings of IEEE COMPUMAG 2011, Sydney, Australia, PC8.12, pp60-61, 2011.07
- 浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,“三次元有限要素法による二軸駆動共振アクチュエータの動作特性解析”,平成23年電気学会全国大会,5-202,pp.290-291,2011.03
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Noritaka Shoji, Katsuhiro Hirata, Kenji Ueyama, Eiichiro Hashimoto and Takahiro Takagi, “Dynamic Analysis of New Two-DOF Linear Oscillatory Actuator Employing 3-D Finite Element Method”, Proceedings of IEEE COMPUMAG 2011, Sydney, Australia, PC12.7, pp67-68, 2011.07
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata and Tomohiro Ota, “New Two-DOF Resonant Actuator Driven by Vevtor Contorol”, Proceedings of ISEF 2011 the 15th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Funchal, Madeira, PS.2.24, 2011.9
- Takamichi Yoshimoto, Katsuhiro Hirata, Yasuyoshi Asai, Kenji Ueyama, Eiichiro Hashimoto and Takahiro Takagi, “Asymmetoric Acceleration Drive Using Linear Oscillatory Actuator under Open-Loop Contorol”, Proceedings of ISEF 2011 the 15th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Funchal, Madeira, OS.3.6, 2011.9
- 吉元崇倫,平田勝弘,浅井保至,上山健司,橋本栄一郎,高木貴弘,“二自由度振動アクチュエータの動作特性解析”,平成23年電気学会全国大会,5-197,pp.280-281,2011.03
- Tomohiro Ota, Satoshi Suzuki and Katsuhiro Hirata, "Dynamic Analysis Method of Repulsion Forces on Current-Carrying Contact using 3-D FEM", Proceedings of the 14th Biennial IEEE CEFC, Chicago IL, USA, 14P9 (2010)
- 吉元崇倫,浅井保至,荘司典孝,平田勝弘,上山健司,橋本栄一郎,高木貴弘,"二自由度振動アクチュエータの性能評価",電気学会回転機・リニアドライブ合同研究会,LD-10-42,pp.53-58,2010.8
- 吉元崇倫,荘司典孝,平田勝弘,上山健司,橋本栄一郎,高木貴弘,"薄型二自由度振動アクチュエータの提案",電気学会リニアドライブ研究会,LD-10-58,pp.1-6,2010.12
- 浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,"二軸駆動共振アクチュエータのベクトル制御に関する研究",電気学会リニアドライブ研究会,LD-10-59,pp.7-12,2010.12
- 浅井保至,平田勝弘,太田智浩,"リニア共振アクチュエータの逆起電圧検知によるPID制御に関する研究",電気学会リニアドライブ研究会,LD-10-017,pp.93-98,2010.3
- Katsuhiro Hirata, Yasuyoshi Asai and Tomohiro Ota, "3-D Finite Element Analysis of Linear Resonance Actuator under PID Control", Proceedings of the 14th Biennial IEEE CEFC (Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation), Chicago IL, USA, 32P8, 2010.5
- Tomohiro Ota, Satoshi Suzuki and Katsuhiro Hirata, “Reduction of Repulsion Forces on Current-Carrying Contact using 3-D FEM”, Proceedings of the 17th Biennial IEEE COMPUMAG, Florianopolis, Brazil, PC3.18, pp.662-663 (2009)
- Yasuyoshi Asai, Katsuhiro Hirata and Tomohiro Ota, “Dynamic Analysis Method of Linear Resonant Actuator with Multi-Movers Employing 3-D Finite Element Method”, Proceedings of the 17th Biennial IEEE COMPUMAG (Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields), Florianopolis, Brazil, PA5.2, pp.149-150, 2009.11
- 浅井保至,松井慶介,平田勝弘,太田智浩,“三次元有限要素法によるLRAの共振解析とリンクばねの効果”,平成21年電気学会全国大会,5-207,pp.309-310,2009.03
- Tomohiro Ota, Tomoyuki Kida and Katsuhiro Hirata, “Heat Transfer Analysis Method Taking Into Account Eddy Current and Hysteresis Loss for Non-Contact Charging System”, Proceedings of the 13th Biennial IEEE CEFC, Greek, PB1-12, p.104 (2008)
- Tomohiro. Ota, Yoshio. Mitsutake, Yuya. Hasegawa, Katsuhiro. Hirata, Toshimitsu. Tanaka, Yoshihiro. Kawase and Tadashi. Yamaguchi, “Transient Torque Analysis of Electromagnetic Impact Drive Mechanism Taking Into Account Motion Equation”, Proceedings of the 16th Biennial IEEE COMPUMAG, Germany, PA1-18, pp.45-46 (2007)
- M. Deluca, T. Miyatake, A. A. Porporati, K. Yamada, S. Yamada, and G. Pezzotti, “A New Insight into Polarized Raman Piezo-spectroscopy of Silicon Single-crystals: I, Theory”, 10th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-10), Tokyo, JAPAN (2007).
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- Tomohiro. Ota, Yoshio. Mitsutake, Yuya. Hasegawa, Katsuhiro. Hirata and Toshimitsu. Tanaka, ”Dynamic Analysis of Electromagnetic Impact Drive Mechanism”, Proceedings of the 12th Biennial IEEE CEFC, USA, PB3-9, p.107 (2006)
- T. Ota, K.Hirata, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Kawase, K. Shamoto and T. Kobayashi, “Coupled Analysis Method of Sensor & Actuator System for Thermostatic Switch Employing 3-D Finite Element Method”, Proceedings of the 15th Biennial IEEE COMPUMAG, China, VolumeⅠ, PA2-3, pp.32-33 (2005)
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